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Rulemaking regarding whether, or subject to what Conditions, the suspension of Direct Access may be lifted consistent with Assembly Bill 1X and Decision 01-09-060.

Rulemaking 07-05-025

(Filed May 24, 2007)

1. Summary

2. Background

The commission shall allow individual retail nonresidential end-use customers to acquire electric service from other providers in each electrical corporation's distribution service territory, up to a maximum allowable total kilowatt hours annual limit.

3. Authorized Increases for Direct Access Cap

... shall be established by the commission for each electrical corporation at the maximum total kilowatthours supplied by all other providers to distribution customers of that electrical corporation during any sequential 12-month period between April 1, 1998, and the effective date of this section. (Emphasis added.)


               In gigawatt hours               

Line No.






Load Cap Pursuant to SB 695





Existing Base Line DA





New DA Load Allowance (Line 1 less Line 2)




3.1. Discussion

· Based on kWh sales data maintained in SCE's billing system, the maximum recorded sales to SCE distribution customers by all other providers for any sequential 12-month period was 11,710 GWh from July 2003 through June 2004.

· SCE's current level of DA in its service territory, expressed as the annual load of those customers taking DA as of November 30, 2009, is 7,627 GWh.

· Because Cerritos is not a community choice aggregator, it is considered to be an "other provider" within Section 365.1 of the Public Utilities Code. Therefore, the maximum allowable total kWh annual limit in SB 695 should include customers' acquisition of electrical service from Cerritos.

· Unlike all other providers, Cerritos has been found by the Commission to have a right to sell a certain annual amount of energy via direct transactions to retail end-use customers. This necessitates a permanent "set-aside" for Cerritos under SB 695's overall annual kWh cap, thereby increasing the baseline for SCE's service area.

4. Phase-In Schedule for Increased Cap

4.1. Parties' Positions

4.2. Discussion

5. Process to Implement New DA Enrollments

5.1. Parties' Positions

5.2. Discussion

6. Waiver of DA Switching and Notice Rules and Subsequent Rights to Acquire DA

6.1. Parties' Positions

6.2. Discussion

365.1. (a) Except as expressly authorized by this section, and subject to the limitations in subdivisions (b) and (c), the right of retail end-use customers pursuant to this chapter to acquire service from other providers is suspended until the Legislature, by statute, lifts the suspension or otherwise authorizes direct transactions. . . .

b) The commission shall allow individual retail nonresidential end-use customers to acquire electric service from other providers in each electrical corporation's distribution service territory, up to a maximum allowable total kilowatt hours annual limit. . . . . (Emphasis added.)

7. Meter Installation Waiver

7.1. Parties' Positions

7.2. Discussion

8. Compliance with Procurement and Resource Planning Rules

1. Commission-adopted programs to implement the resource adequacy provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 380;

2. Renewable portfolio standards of the Public Utilities Code, Article 16; and

3. Electricity sector requirements adopted by the California Air Resources Board pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.

8.1. Parties' Positions

8.2. Discussion

9. Categorization and Assignment of Proceeding

10. Comments on Proposed Decision


Southern California Edison Company

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

San Diego Gas & Electric Company


Load Cap




Existing Base Line DA




New DA Load Allowance




Peak Load


¬ Y1 (2010): 35% of the current room available under the DA cap.

¬ Y2 (2011): An additional 35% of the current room available under the cap (or70% of the available room under the DA cap).

¬ Y3 (2012): An additional 20% of the current room available under the cap (or 90% of the available room under the DA cap).

¬ Y4 (2013): An additional 10% of the current room available under the cap (or 100% of the available room under the DA cap).

a. A temporary, one-time waiver of the 6-month advance notice requirement for all DA-eligible customers will be granted so that all DA-eligible customers may begin to enroll in DA service as of the Effective Date if they wish to do so, pursuant to the process described herein.

b. A one-time waiver of the current Bundled Portfolio Service ("BPS") commitment periods (per Rule 25.1) will be granted so that all DA-eligible customers may begin to enroll in DA service as of the Effective Date if they wish to do so, pursuant to the process described herein.20

c. All LSEs (those that currently serve load and those that do not) will file forecasts of new customers that they expect to gain from via the OEW and other periods for RA compliance years 2010 and 2011 according to the rule set forth by Energy Division for the RA process. Energy Division will issue an amended RA Guide and reporting template for 2010 compliance year as well as an RA Guide and reporting template for 2011 compliance year.

d. The IOU will begin accepting NOIs up to the Y1 limit as of 9:00 a.m. PST on the fifth business day after the Effective Date. The methods for submitting NOIs will be specified by each utility on its website, provided that all methods shall allow for a time and date stamping to determine precedence. The daily batch process for accepting NOIs during the OEW (described in 7.d below) will allow for up to a 10 percent (10%) threshold above the Y1 limit.

e. The IOU will process NOIs in daily (12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.) batches. Each daily batch of NOIs will, within 20 days of its receipt, be accepted unless and until the Y1 limit is reached. A daily batch that causes the Y1 limit to be exceeded will nevertheless be accepted provided that such daily batch does not exceed the Y1 limit by more than 10%. Should a daily batch cause the Y1 limit to be exceeded by more than 10%, NOIs in that particular daily batch will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis (based on the date/time stamp of the NOI) up to the Y1 limit plus a threshold of no more than 10%. All other NOIs in that particular daily batch will be rejected.421

f. NOIs submitted during the OEW will be rejected only if the Y1 limit has been reached. Any NOI that is found to have a deficiency (e.g., incorrect service account number) will be accepted on the condition that it is corrected by the customer within two business days after the IOU notifies the customer of such deficiency. NOIs will be void in the event a Direct Access Service Request (DASR) is not timely submitted, as described in 7.h below, or in the event a deficiency in the NOI is not corrected by the customer within two business days.

g. For any NOI accepted during the OEW, the IOU will notify the customer of NOI acceptance within 20 days of NOI receipt, and will instruct the customer to notify its Electric Service Provider (ESP) that a DASR to switch customer's service account(s) to DA service must be submitted to the IOU within 60 calendar days of the date the IOU's notice of NOI acceptance is sent to the customer.

h. The customer will have 60 calendar days from the IOU's notice of NOI acceptance to cause its ESP to submit a DASR.22 DASRs will be processed using existing processes and timelines in accordance with Rule 22 (or equivalent rule),23 and eligible service accounts will be switched to DA service on their next scheduled meter read date, or the date specified on the DASR, if different from the next meter read date, depending on when the IOU receives the DASR. Although Rule 22 (at Section E.18) allows the IOU, the customer and the ESP to mutually agree to a different service change date for the service changes requested in a DASR, the IOUs may be unable to accommodate special service change dates during the OEW. Nothing in this Appendix 2 is intended to rescind Section E.18 of Rule 22; however, it may not be operable during the OEW.

i. If a DASR is not received by the IOU for an accepted NOI by the end of the 60-day period, the customer's NOI will be void.

j. Any NOIs voided for failure to submit a DASR within the 60-day period will not be subject to a three-year minimum BPS commitment period as a result such failure. This exception will apply only to NOIs accepted during the OEW.

k. If the Y1 limit is reached during the OEW, the IOU will stop accepting NOIs, and will begin placing submitted NOIs on a wait-list on a first-come, first-served basis. The wait-list shall have a maximum capacity equal to 25% of the Y1 limit, and will be maintained until the last day of the OEW. Should any room under the Y1 limit become available during the OEW as a result of any voided NOIs, within one (1) business day of any room becoming available, the IOU will notify eligible customers on the wait-list by email of the acceptance of their NOIs. The IOU will continue to issue such email notices, on a 1-business day basis as room becomes available during the OEW, through the last day of the OEW. A customer coming off the OEW wait-list will have 60 days after the IOU's notice of the NOI acceptance to cause its ESP to submit a DASR to the IOU. If a DASR is not received by the IOU by the end of the 60-day period, the customer's NOI will be void, and the exception under Section 7.k for the three-year BPS commitment will apply. The wait-list will end on the last day of the OEW. Any NOIs on the wait-list that were not accepted during the OEW will be void, and customers will be notified that they can begin submitting 6-month advance NOIs as early as July 1, 2010 to switch to DA in 2011. No wait-list will be used after the OEW.

l. The OEW will close 90 calendar days after the Effective Date, or on June 30, 2010, whichever comes first. There will be no OEW in subsequent years of the phase-in period.

m. All LSEs that intend to serve load during 2011 will refile load forecasts for 2011 RA compliance year by May 26, 2010. This revised forecast shall account both for customer migration up to that date, but also to forecast expected customer migration during the second phase of DA access that commences in January of 2011. The updated load forecasts due by May 26, 2010 will be used by the Energy Division and CEC to develop Local RA obligations, inclusive of adjustments, as accurately as possible within the constraints of the 2011 RA filing cycle.

a. In 2010:

¬ Customers may submit 6-month advance NOIs starting July 1, 2010 to switch to DA in 2011 (Y2). The IOU will accept 6-month advance NOIs up to the Y2 limit. The daily batch process for accepting NOIs (described in 7.d above) will allow for up to a 10 percent (10%) threshold above the Y2 limit.

¬ A customer with an accepted NOI will be switched to DA starting in January 2011, provided the customer's 6-month advance notice period has been satisfied and a DASR has been timely received.

¬ DASRs will be processed using existing processes and timelines in accordance with Rules 22 and 22.1 (or equivalent rules), and eligible service accounts will be switched to DA service on their next scheduled meter read date, or the date specified on the DASR, if different from the next meter read date, depending on when the IOU receives the DASR. Customers who fail to meet the time limitations and DASR requirements set forth in Rules 22 and 22.1 will be subject to a three-year minimum BPS period as provided for in Rule 22.1 (or equivalent IOU rules).

¬ Once the Y2 limit is reached, the IOU will stop accepting 6-month advance notices.

¬ If room under the Y2 limit subsequently becomes available, the IOU will update its website to notify customers that it is accepting 6-month advance notices. The IOU will use the same daily batch process described above for accepting NOIs for any room under the Y2 limit.

b. In 2011:

¬ Customers may continue to submit 6-month advance notices after January 1, 2011 to switch to DA in 2011 or 2012, depending on whether there is room available under the Y2 limit. The IOU will accept 6-month advance notices up to the Y3 limit. The daily batch process for accepting NOIs (described in 7.d above) will allow for up to a 10 percent (10%) threshold above the Y3 limit.

¬ A customer with an accepted NOI will be switched to DA as soon as possible (depending on whether there is room under the Y2 limit), but in any event starting in January 2012, provided the customer's 6-month advance notice period has been satisfied and a DASR has been timely received. If there is no room available under the Y2 limit, customers who submit 6-month advance NOIs prior to July 2011 may need to remain on bundled service for up to twelve months before being able to switch to DA. In other words, they may have to wait for the Y3 allotment to open up in January 2012 before they can switch to DA. If room under the Y2 limit subsequently becomes available in 2011, some customers may be able to switch to DA prior to 2012, provided the 6-month advance notice period has been satisfied and a DASR has been timely received.

¬ DASRs will be processed using existing processes and timelines in accordance with Rules 22 and 22.1 (or equivalent rules), and eligible service accounts will be switched to DA service on their next scheduled meter read date, depending on when the IOU receives the DASR. A customer failing to meet the time limitations and DASR requirements set forth in Rules 22 and 22.1 will be subject to a three-year minimum BPS period as provided for in Rules 22 and 22.1 (or equivalent rules).24

¬ Once the Y3 limit is reached, the IOU will stop accepting 6-month advance NOIs.

¬ If room under the Y3 limit subsequently becomes available, the IOU will update its website to notify customers that it is accepting 6-month advance NOIs. The IOU will use the same daily batch process described above for accepting NOIs for any room under the Y3 limit.

c. In 2012 and 2013:

¬ The IOU will use the same enrollment process as described above for 2011, using the applicable annual limits, except that a threshold for daily batch processing will not apply to the Y4 limit (because it represents the overall cap).

10. Changes in the 12-month usage of DA accounts will be reflected in order to determine the room available under the cap. No customer taking DA service while room was available under the cap will be removed from DA service as a result of growth in DA load.








































1 See Decision (D.) 95-12-063, as modified by D.96-01-009 (1995) 64 Cal. PUC 2d 1, 24 (Preferred Policy Decision). The Legislature codified the Preferred Policy Decision in Assembly Bill (AB) 1890 (Stats. 1996, ch. 854) (AB 1890).

2 The net short is the difference between customer loads and the power already under contract to the utilities or generated from a utility-owned asset.

3 See D.01-09-060 and Pub. Util. Code §§ 366 or 366.5.

4 SB 695 was chaptered on October 11, 2009 and as urgency legislation, took effect immediately. Six months from the effective date of SB 695 is April 11, 2010.

5 Opening Comments and/or reply comments were filed by the California Alliance for Choice in Energy Solutions and the Alliance for Retail Energy Markets (CACES/AReM), the Direct Access Customer Coalition (DACC), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), BP America (BP), the California Large Energy Consumers Association (CLECA), California Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA), Commercial Energy of California (CEC), the Division of Ratepayer Advocates (DRA), The Utility Reform Network (TURN), the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Southern California Edison Company (SCE), the Safeway Parties (Safeway), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), Silicon Valley Leadership Group, School Project for Utility Rate Reduction, the California State Universities, and Customized Energy Solutions, LTD.

6 The implementation date of April 11, 2010 represents the time limit required to begin implementation under SB 695, representing six months from the statute's effective date.

7 See SCE Opening Comments at 7, citing its December 3 and December 29, 2009 data response filed in this proceeding.

8 See generally D.10-01-012, issued January 21, 2010 in A.09-06-008.

9 See id. at 7-8.

10 See D.10-01-012 at 13.

11 SCE must file an advice letter to set forth Cerritos' share of the MPP output; therefore SCE's calculation is subject to Commission review for compliance with D.10-01-012.

12 Pub. Util. Code § 365.1(b).

13 Parties sponsoring the joint proposal were TURN, SCE, CACES/AReM, the California State Universities, DACC, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, and School Project for Utility Rate Reduction.

14 Appendix 2 at 4, 8.a., "Customers may submit 6-month advance NOIs starting July 1, 2010 to switch to DA in 2011."

15 Reply Comments of The Division of Ratepayer Advocates on Assigned Commissioner's Ruling Regarding Issues Associated With Senate Bill 695 Relating To Direct Access Transactions (February 1, 2010) at 5.

16 See D.03-05-034 and D.03-06-035.

17 See Utility Tariff Rule 22, Section A.2.

18 A bill onsert is a message imprinted on the customer's bill, as distinguished from a bill insert, which is a separate insertion included in the bill's envelope. The bill onsert may be a more cost-effective way to provide customers notice of the partial DA reopening, because it can be included only on DA-eligible customers' bills, and does not increase the weight of the bills (and thereby should not increase bill mailing costs).

19 The parties will work together cooperatively in advance of the Open Enrollment Window to develop a uniform NOI in a timely fashion, which shall be filed as part of the IOUs' advice letters implementing changes to their direct access tariffs in compliance with this decision. Customers wishing to authorize their ESP or other third party to submit the NOI on their behalf may do so by providing the IOU with a signed "Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act on a Customer's Behalf" (CISR) form, indicating that the ESP or other third party is authorized to "Request Rate Changes" for the customer.

20 The one-time waiver will apply to all non-residential customers under current BPS commitments, even if they do not elect to take DA service during the OEW. After the end of the OEW, these customers may elect DA service at any time with the required 6-month advance notice, assuming there is room under the annual limits or overall cap. However, the 3-year BPS commitment period will continue to apply anytime a DA customer returns to BPS.

21 The threshold is only used for purposes of processing daily batches of NOIs. It is not intended as an increase in the annual limits.

22 In accordance with the IOUs' current procedures, rejected DASRs must be corrected and resubmitted by the ESP and be acceptable to the IOU no later than 20 days following the conclusion of the 60-day period. DASRs not corrected by the ESP within this time period w ill be cancelled by the IOU.

23 The DA Rules for SDG&E are Rules 25 and 25.1. The IOUs' DA Rules generally require that DASRs received by the OIU on or before the 15th of the month will be switched over no later than the next month's scheduled meter reading date for that service account. Under SCE and SDG&E's current DASR process, DASRs that are received by SCE or SDG&E five (5) business days before the customer service account's next scheduled meter reading date will be switched over on its next scheduled meter reading date.

24 With the exception that customers who submit 6-month advance NOIs prior to July 2011 may be required to remain on bundled service for longer than 6 months (but not more than 12 months) before switching to DA service, if there is no room under the Y2 limit. In other words, they may have to wait for the Y3 allotment to open up in January 2012 before they can switch to DA.

25 RA compliance materials for 2008 through 2010 are posted to the CPUC website here: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/energy/Procurement/RA/ra_guides_2008-09.htm

26 If the LSE that was gaining the load (the acquiring LSE) can show that it already met some or all of its Local RA obligation with excess Local RA capacity or was able to obtain it from another source, the acquiring LSE would not be required to use this "default" option for some or all of its Local RA obligation. For purposes of these mid-year load migration adjustments only, LSEs gaining load may meet increased Local RA obligations in the PG&E service territory via procurement in either the Other PG&E Areas or in the Greater Bay Area, or any combination of the two. Similarly, the SCE service territory, procurement may be in either the LA Basin or in the Big Creek/Ventura area. Procurement adjustments in the SDG&E service territory must be in the San Diego Area.

27 See fn. 1, above.

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