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Communications Division


Carrier Oversight & Programs Branch

December 1, 2011


1 Senate Bill 1193 (Stats. 2008, c.393) established the CASF as a new universal service program geared towards the deployment of broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas in California. The Commission implemented the CASF program in D.07-12-054. The CASF funds 40% of a broadband infrastructure total project costs and 10% of the broadband infrastructure total project costs in the case of projects funded by CASF and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

2 D.11-06-038, Ordering Paragraph 16, adopted a minimum threshold score of 70 points to be considered for funding.

3 CD finds that the Action Plans and Work Plans proposed by the Upstate California Connect Consortium (UCCC) and the Northeastern California Connect Consortium (NECCC) are exemplary since they presented well-defined tasks and activities with detailed timelines and deliverables that achieve actual deployments of last-mile and middle-mile infrastructure projects and implementation of full-scale training/adoption programs in the region within three years. These two consortia applicants also explicitly included in their plans an independent evaluation as to the overall effectiveness of the consortia in fulfilling their missions. Nevertheless, these two consortia applicants also need to work with CD to further refine their Work Plans and clarify some of their proposed deliverables.

4 Attachment H of D.11-06-038.

5 The Broadband Technology and Opportunities Program (BTOP) is a grant program that funds comprehensive broadband infrastructure projects, public computers centers, and sustainable broadband adoption projects from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the BTOP provided an opportunity for California to partner with the federal government and other state agencies to advance the goal of bridging the digital divide.

6 In the North Los Angeles sub-regional area, Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita will have representation in work activities planned. Likewise, the South Los Angeles sub-region consortia will include Catalina Island in its area representation.

7 Hot Spot Zone Networks connect wireless access areas created by multiple hot spots located in close proximity to each other. LA County hot spots will be established in high-need, high-traffic areas and connected from the metropolitan area networks that are planned.

8 Per Ordering Paragraph 16 of D.11-06-038, where multiple applicants seek funding in the same region, the highest ranking applicant shall be considered eligible to receive a grant.

9 Senate Bill 1193 (Stats. 2008, c.393, codified at P.U. Code § 281) established the CASF as a new universal service program geared towards the deployment of broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas in California. The Commission implemented the CASF program in D.07-12-054. The CASF funds 40% of a broadband infrastructure total project costs and 10% of the broadband infrastructure total project costs in the case of projects funded by CASF and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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