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California Public Utilities Commission
Daily Calendar
Table of Contents
(Not Open to the Public)
(Pursuant to PU Code § 311(g))
Filings with Consumer Protection and Safety Division
Public Utilities Commission of the State of California
Paul Clanon, Executive Director
Headquarters |
Southern California Office |
505 Van Ness Avenue |
320 West 4th Street, Suite 500 |
San Francisco, CA 94102 |
Los Angeles, CA 90013 |
(415) 703-2782 |
(213) 576-7000 |
Calendar Archive:
Daily Calendar
· Commission Meetings
· Notices
· Public Meetings and Workshops
· Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code § 311(g))
· New Filings
· Petitions for Modification and Applications for Rehearing
· Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer's Decisions/Arbitrator's Reports
· Advice Letter Filings
· Miscellaneous Transportation Items
· Miscellaneous Communications Matters
· Table of Submission Dates for the Preceding Two Weeks
· Changes to Hearing Calendar
· Hearings
· Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code §1701.3(c))
Summaries of Decisions and Resolutions for the Commission Meeting of August 12, 2010 and September 2, 2010 are included in this calendar.
The Commission's policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities. | ||
The CPUC encourages all Californians to participate in its meetings, hearings, workshops, and proceedings. We try to hold our public meetings only in places that are wheelchair accessible and which can accommodate specialized equipment and other services useful to people with disabilities. Please see the notice of the meeting you wish to attend for more specifics. If you plan to attend and need specialized accommodations for a particular meeting that are not listed in the notice, request them from the Public Advisor's Office at least three business days in advance of the meeting. Contact the Public Advisor's Office by any one of the following: | ||
public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov |
FAX: 415-355-5404 (Attn.: Public Advisor) |
January 27, 2011 |
10:00 am |
San Francisco |
February 24, 2011 |
10:00 am |
San Francisco |
March 10, 2011 |
10:00 am |
San Francisco |
Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered.
January 24, 2011 |
1:30 pm |
San Francisco |
February 18, 2011 |
1:30 pm |
San Francisco |
March 7, 2011 |
1:30 pm |
San Francisco |
To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00.
The auditorium, hearing rooms, and training room at the headquarters of the California Public Utilities Commission, located at 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California, are available for rent. Further information about requirements and fees can be obtained by contacting Scott Finger (415) 703-1641.
January 18, 2011 |
California Public Utilities Commission |
This workshop is to discuss Phase II proposals in the RA proceeding received by Energy Division on November 30 and those issued by the Energy Division on November 30. There will be time for parties to discuss their own proposals and to have question and answer time so as to improve the quality of party comments. Energy Division will have a projector and laptop available for parties to use in making presentations. Energy Division will distribute the agenda and slides for the workshop in advance and will post the materials to the CPUC website at the following url: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/energy/Procurement/RA/ra_history.htm. There will be a phone line for parties to call in and participate. Please contact Donald Brooks at (415) 703-2626 or email: donald.brooks@cpuc.ca.gov for more information on this workshop.
January 19, 2011 |
California Public Utilities Commission |
Phase 4 of R.07-01-041 focuses on developing policies and rules with regard to direct participation of demand response resources in wholesale markets. The workshops will focus on consumer protection issues, financial settlements and communication protocols. For more details about the issues, please see the attached ruling:
Please note that the workshop dates contained in the ruling were subsequently changed to the dates reflected in this notice.
Contact: Bob Benjamin at (415) 703-2494 or
bkb@cpuc.ca.gov or Scarlett Liang-Uejio at (415) 703-1851 or
January 20, 2011 |
WebEx only |
The Energy Division is holding an informational workshop to describe the 2011 Local True-up Process adopted in D.10-12-038 on December 16, 2010. It will cover the rules and schedule adopted in D.10-12-038 so as to prepare LSEs for their required local true-up filings. Energy Division staff will focus on the required actions necessary to demonstrate compliance. Energy Division Staff will review the added functionalities of RA filing and forecasting templates that incorporate the local true up process. Additionally staff will walk through the updated sections of the 2011 RA guide and calendar that address the 2011 Local True-up Process. This workshop will be conducted solely via WebEx, and materials will be made available to the service list in advance of the workshop via posting to the CPUC website.
There will be no in-person meeting room provided. Please contact Donald Brooks at 415.703.2626 or email:
donald.brooks@cpuc.ca.govmailto: for more information on the workshop or to ask questions about 2011 Local True-up Process.
January 26, 2011 |
Pacific Energy Center |
The California Solar Initiative Program Forum provides a venue for public stakeholders to identify and discuss priority issues related to the administration and implementation of the CSI program with the California Public Utility Commission and the three Program Administrators: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison and the California Center for Sustainable Energy. In the upcoming CSI Program Forum Program Administrators plan to discuss M&E 2010 input based on 2009 Evaluation, M&O efforts and feedback from industry, paperwork and process points, new PowerClerk features/updates, SASH/MASH program updates and Q&A from the audience.
January 27, 2011 |
Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Main Office |
I. Welcome and Introduction of TADDAC Members; II. Minutes of the December 16, 2010 TADDAC Meeting, Review of Action List; III. Approval of Agenda; IV. Administrative Business, A. Report from CPUC Staff, B. Report from the Chair, and C. Report from CCAF; V. Public Input; VI. Unfinished Business, A. Discussion of Off-Site Meeting Possibilities, and B. Discussion of Conference and Convention Attendance by TADDAC Members in 2011; VII. New Business, A. EPAC Report and Recommendations, B. Overview of CRS Call Volumes and Consumer Issues, C. Process for Filling the Vacant Seat on TADDAC, D. Process for Conducting Officer Elections, E. Member Reports, and F. Items for Next Month's Agenda.
For more information, please contact Karen Evangelista, DDTP Committee Coordinator at (510) 302-1110/ Voice or (510) 302-1150/ TTY or via e-mail email:
DDTP provides the following communication assistance at all Administrative Committee meetings: ASL Interpreting, Real-Time Captioning, and Assistive Listening Devices. If you require any other communication assistance, please describe it in detail when notifying us so that we may ensure accessibility. If you are a member of the public who needs communication assistance and plan to attend this meeting, please notify Karen Evangelista 5 days prior to the meeting date to email:
Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings. People with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities must reduce their exposure to attend this meeting.
March 30, 2011 |
California Public Utilities Commission |
1. Introduction; 2. Approval of minutes; 3. Fiscal Report; 4. Contract Reports; 5. CAB Report; 6. Legal Liaison Report; 7. Public comments; 8. Discussion of the Role of the ULTS-AC; 9. Communications Division Liaison Report; 10. ULTS-AC Report; 11. ULTS-AC vacancy update; 12. Future meeting date and location; and 13. Adjournment.
The ALJ Division has revised Resolution ALJ- 260, which is set for the January 27, 2011, Commission meeting, to make modifications to the originally proposed text of the proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice and Procedure (Title 20, Division 1, of the California Code of Regulations).
The weblink is
Any person may submit written comments concerning the modified text (marked by double-underline and double-strikethrough) by serving them, no later than January 25, 2011, on:
Hallie Yacknin
Administrative Law Judge
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 5005
San Francisco, CA 94102
If you would like to be added to the Commission's Rules Update Listserv for notification of these and future proposed modifications to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, subscribe here!
The Energy Division has prepared Draft Resolution E-4384 for the January 27, 2011 Commission Meeting. This Resolution approves an amended and restated long-term renewable energy power purchase agreement between Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Bottle Rock Power, LLC. The amended and restated power purchase agreement is approved without modification. Notice of this draft has been sent to parties in the service lists. Any questions or comments should be directed to Cheryl Lee; email: cheryl.lee@cpuc.ca.gov.
The web link is http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/COMMENT_RESOLUTION/128651.htm.
The Energy Division has prepared Draft Resolution E-4390 for the January 27, 2011 Commission Meeting. This Resolution approves cost recovery for between Pacific Gas and Electric Company's contracts with Halkirk I Wind Project LP, Blackspring Ridge IA Wind Project LP, and Blackspring Ridge IB Wind Project LP. The contracts are approved without modifications. Notice of this draft has been sent to parties in the service lists. Any questions or comments should be directed to Sean Simon; email: sean.simon@cpuc.ca.gov.
The web link is http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/COMMENT_RESOLUTION/128747.htm.
The Communications Division has prepared Resolution T-17273 for the January 27, 2011, Commission Meeting. This Resolution approves the Calendar Year 2010 California High Cost Fund-A Adjustment requests funding. Notice of this draft has been sent to the parties in the service lists. Any questions or comments should be directed to Michael Coen; email: michael.coen@cpuc.ca.gov
The web link is http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/COMMENT_RESOLUTION/128935.htm.
The Communications Division has prepared Resolution T-17298 for the January 27, 2011, Commission Meeting. This Resolution approves the Calendar Year 2011 California High Cost Fund-A funding. Notice of this draft has been sent to the parties in the service lists. Any questions or comments should be directed to Michael Coen; email:michael.coen@cpuc.ca.gov
The web link is http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/COMMENT_RESOLUTION/128927.htm.
The Division of Water and Audits has prepared Resolution W-4863 for the January 27, 2011 Commission Meeting which grants Suburban Water Systems the authority to recover legal and related costs of participating in Investigation 07-01-022 through a 4-month surcharge. Any questions or comments should be directed to James Boothe email: jb5@cpuc.ca.gov.
The web link is http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/COMMENT_RESOLUTION/128857.htm.
The Division of Water and Audits has prepared Resolution W-4866 for the January 27, 2011 Commission Meeting which grants Canada Woods Water Company a general rate increase for its water and sewer companies, and annual reclaimed water revenue. Any questions or comments should be directed to Peter Liu; email: ptl@cpuc.ca.gov.
The web link is http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/COMMENT_RESOLUTION/128863.htm.
1/5/11 |
A.11-01-009 - Application of the Riverside County Transportation Commission for authority to construct a pedestrian at-grade crossing for the Moreno Valley/March Field Station, Perris Valley Line Mile Post 8.63, proposed CPUC Number 002X-8.63; USDOT 929040T. |
1/11/11 |
A.09-09-021 - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Approval of 2008 Long-Term Request for Offer Results and for Adoption of Cost Recovery and Ratemaking Mechanisms (U39E). Application for Rehearing of Decision 10-12-050 by CAlifornians for Renewable Energy, Inc. |
1/13/11 |
P.10-08-016 - Petition of Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association to adopt, amend, or repeal a regulation pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 1708.5; and |
1/25/11 |
A.09-04-007 (STC) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company in its 2009 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding. (U39E), and |
ALJ Barnett |
A.10-11-009 - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for Authority to, Among Other Things, Increase Its Authorized Revenues For Santa Catalina Island Water Operations, And to Reflect That Increase In Rates., and |
ALJ Barnett |
C.10-02-023 - Jeffrey A. Swartz and Lisa J. Swartz, Complainants vs. Southern California Edison Company (U338E), Defendant, |
ALJ Barnett |
C.10-06-011 - Mr. Mazen Bahu, Complainant, vs. Southern California Edison Company, (U338E), Defendant, |
ALJ Barnett |
C.10-10-011 - Francisco Torres, Complainant, vs. Southern California Edison Company, (U338E), Defendant, |
Dates in parentheses following the word "also" are subject to change without notice. The assigned Commissioner's name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing.
(PHC) = Prehearing Conference |
(ECP) = Expedited Complaint Procedure |
(CA) = Closing Argument |
(EH) = Evidentiary Hearing |
(OSC) = Order to Show Cause |
(LM) = Law & Motion |
(PPH) = Public Participation Hearing |
(WS) = Workshop |
(IAM) = Initial Arbitration Meeting |
(FPH) = Full Panel Hearing |
(STC) = Status Conference |
(AH) = Arbitration Hearing |
(FOA) = Final Oral Argument |
(DC) = Discovery Conference |
(APPEAL) = Appeal Hearing of General Order 156 |
(CITATION) = Appeal Hearing of Citation |
(SCF) = Settlement Conference |
1/19/11 |
A.10-04-002 (EH) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for a Commission Finding that its Procurement-Related and Other Operations for the Record Period January 1 Through December 31, 2009 Complied with its Adopted Procurement Plan; for Verification of its Entries in the Energy Resource Recovery Account and Other Regulatory Accounts; and for Recovery of $29.947 Million Recorded in Four Memorandum Accounts, |
1/20/11 |
A.08-05-019 (PHC) - Application of California Water Service Company (U60W) for an order confirming its discontinuance of the ESP program as provided in D.07-12-055, Ordering Paragraph 19, approving accounting for the residual affiliate transaction, and confirming under D.07-12-055, Ordering Paragraph 16 that Applicant's residual services to its affiliate CWS Utility Services comply with applicable law, |
1/24/11 |
A.10-09-017 (PHC) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W), California Water Service Company (U60W), Golden State Water Company (U133W), Park Water Company (U314W) and Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company (U346W) to Modify D.08-02-036, D.08-06-002, D.08-08-030, D.08-09-026, D.08-11-023, D.09-05-005, D.09-07-021, and D.10-06-038 regarding the Amortization of WRAM-related Accounts, |
1/25/11 |
A.09-04-007 (STC) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company in its 2009 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding. (U39E), and |
1/26/11 |
A.10-06-009 (EH) - Application of Accelar, Inc. to operate as a scheduled Passenger Stage Corporation between points in San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, and Fresno Counties in the State of California, and to establish a Zone of Rate Freedom for its services, |
1/27/11 |
I.10-06-013 (EH) - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Own Motion Into the Billing Practices and Conduct of Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. (Legacy) to Determine if Legacy Violated the Law, Rules, and Regulations Governing the Manner in which California Consumers are Billed for Phone Services, |
1/27/11 |
A.08-08-022 (Phase 1) (EH) - In the Matter of the Golden State Water Company (U133W) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Construct and Operate a Water System in Sutter County, California; and to Establish Rates for Public Utility Water Service in Sutter County, California, |
1/31/11 |
A.09-07-011 (Phase 2) (PHC) - Application of California Water Service Company (U60W), a California Corporation, for an Order authorizing the Allocation of Net Proceeds from MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl either) Groundwater Contamination Litigation, |
1/31/11 |
A.10-11-015 (PHC) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for Authority to, Among Other Things, Increase Its Authorized Revenues For Electric Service In 2012, And to Reflect That Increase In Rates, |
1/31/11 |
A.10-09-019 (PHC) - In the Matter of the Application of San Jose Water Company (U168W) for Commission Approval of Cost Recovery for Upgrading the Montevina Water Treatment Plant, |
2/1/11 |
A.10-11-010 (PHC) - In the Matter of Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for Approval of Agreements to Sell Its Interests in Four Corners Generation Station, |
2/1/11 |
I.09-12-016 (EH) - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the alleged failure of TracFone Wireless, Inc. (U-4321-C) to collect and remit public purpose program surcharges and user fees on revenue from its sale of intrastate telephone service to California consumers, in violation of the laws, rules and regulations of this State; Order to Show Cause why Respondent should not immediately be ordered to pay all such outstanding sums plus interest, and be subject to penalties for such violations, |
2/4/11 |
C.10-10-012 (PHC) - Ataollah Ramin M.D. Inc. dba Assuta Medical Center, Complainant, vs. Pacific Bell Telephone Company dba AT&T California (U1001C), Defendant, |
2/7/11 |
A.09-08-003 (PHC) - In The Matter of the Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY (U902E) for a Permit to Construct Electrical Facilities With Voltages Between 50 kV and 200 kV and New Substations With High Side Voltages Exceeding 50kV: The East County Substation Project, |
2/7/11 |
C.10-08-022 (PHC and EH) - The Highway 68 Coalition, a social welfare organization, pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) 4, Complainant, vs. California-American Water Company, Monterey Division, (U210W), Defendant, |
2/7/11 |
A.10-09-018 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to Implement the Carmel River reroute and San Clemente Dam Removal Project and to Recover the Costs Associated with the Project in Rates, |
2/8/11 |
A.10-02-028 (PHC) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Approval of its 2010 Rate Design Window Proposal for 2-Part Peak Time Rebate and Recovery of Incremental Expenditures Required for Implementation. (U39E), and |
2/8/11 |
A.10-09-018 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to Implement the Carmel River reroute and San Clemente Dam Removal Project and to Recover the Costs Associated with the Project in Rates, |
2/9/11 |
C.10-10-015 (PHC) - Tessera Solar, Complainant, vs. BNSF Railway Company, Defendant, |
2/9/11 |
A.10-07-007 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to increase its Revenues for Water Service by $4,134,600 or 2.55% in the year 2011, by $33,105,800 or 19.68% in the year 2012, by $9,897,200 or 4.92% in the year 2013, and by $10,874,600 or 5.16% in the year 2014, |
2/10/11 |
A.10-11-012 (PHC) - In the Matter of the Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for a Permit to Construct Electrical Facilities: Red Bluff Substation Project, |
2/10/11 |
A.10-07-007 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to increase its Revenues for Water Service by $4,134,600 or 2.55% in the year 2011, by $33,105,800 or 19.68% in the year 2012, by $9,897,200 or 4.92% in the year 2013, and by $10,874,600 or 5.16% in the year 2014, |
2/11/11 |
C.10-11-007 (ECP) - Nathan L. Carnes, Complainant, vs. Southern California Gas Company, (U904G), Defendant, |
2/11/11 |
C.10-11-003 (ECP) - Jaenelle Wheeler, Complainant vs. T-Mobile West Corporation, (U3056C), Defendant, |
2/11/11 |
C.10-11-011 (ECP) - Carlo A. Carrion, Complainant, vs Verizon California Inc., (U1002C), Defendant, |
2/15/11 |
A.10-07-007 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to increase its Revenues for Water Service by $4,134,600 or 2.55% in the year 2011, by $33,105,800 or 19.68% in the year 2012, by $9,897,200 or 4.92% in the year 2013, and by $10,874,600 or 5.16% in the year 2014, |
2/16/11 |
A.10-07-007 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to increase its Revenues for Water Service by $4,134,600 or 2.55% in the year 2011, by $33,105,800 or 19.68% in the year 2012, by $9,897,200 or 4.92% in the year 2013, and by $10,874,600 or 5.16% in the year 2014, |
2/17/11 |
A.10-07-007 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to increase its Revenues for Water Service by $4,134,600 or 2.55% in the year 2011, by $33,105,800 or 19.68% in the year 2012, by $9,897,200 or 4.92% in the year 2013, and by $10,874,600 or 5.16% in the year 2014, |
2/23/11 |
A.10-07-007 (PPH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to increase its Revenues for Water Service by $4,134,600 or 2.55% in the year 2011, by $33,105,800 or 19.68% in the year 2012, by $9,897,200 or 4.92% in the year 2013, and by $10,874,600 or 5.16% in the year 2014, |
2/28/11 |
C.09-11-019 (EH) - Lucas D. Hernandez, Janette Sandoval, Martha Amezquita, Daniel Gonzalez, Gabriel Cabrera, Severo Rosa, Celia Ruiz, Martha Alvarado, Maria Palma, Federico Garcia, Luis Morales, Complainants, vs. Sunbird Mobile Home Park, Hawkeye Asset Management, James Martin and Betty Martin, Defendants, |
3/1/11 |
I.10-11-013 (PHC) - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Own Motion into the Operations and Practices of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Regarding the Gas Explosion and Fire on December 24, 2008 in Rancho Cordova, California, |
3/2/11 |
A.10-10-001 (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U902E) for Adoption of its 2011 Energy Resource Recovery Account Revenue Requirement and Competitive Transition Charge Revenue Requirement Forecasts, |
3/4/11 |
A.10-02-012 (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (U39E) for Review of Entries to the Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) and Renewables Portfolio Standard Cost Memorandum Account (RPSMA), and Compliance Review of Fuel Procurement for Utility Retained Generation, Administration of Power Purchase Contracts, and Least Cost Dispatch of Electric Generation Resources for the Record Period of January 1, through December 31, 2009 and for Adoption of Electric Revenue Requirements and Rates Associated with the Market Redesign and Technology Upgrade (MRTU) Initiative, (U39E), |
3/7/11 |
A.10-04-026 (EH) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for Authorization to Recover Costs Related to the 2007 Southern California Wind and Firestorms Recorded in the Catastrophic Event Memorandum Account (CEMA), |
3/7/11 |
R.09-06-019 (PPH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to the California High Cost Fund B Program, |
3/9/11 |
R.09-06-019 (PPH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to the California High Cost Fund B Program, |
3/10/11 |
R.09-06-019 (PPH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to the California High Cost Fund B Program, |
3/14/11 |
C.10-08-027 (EH) - Encina Wastewater Authority, Complainant, vs. San Diego Gas & Electric Company, (U902E), Defendant, |
3/15/11 |
R.09-06-019 (PPH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to the California High Cost Fund B Program, |
3/21/11 |
R.09-06-019 (PPH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to the California High Cost Fund B Program, |
3/23/11 |
R.09-06-019 (PPH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to the California High Cost Fund B Program, |
3/24/11 |
R.09-06-019 (PPH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Revisions to the California High Cost Fund B Program, |
3/28/11 |
R.07-05-025 (EH) - Rulemaking Regarding Whether, or Subject to What Conditions, the Suspension of Direct Access May Be Lifted Consistent with Assembly Bill 1X and Decision 01-09-060, |
4/1/11 |
C.10-07-005 (PHC and LM) - County of San Luis Obispo, Complainant, vs. Pacific Bell Telephone Company, dba AT&T California (U1001C), Defendant, |
4/5/11 |
C.10-10-003 (EH) - Santa Clara Valley Water District, Complainant, vs. Pacific Bell Telephone Company dba AT&T California (U1001C), Defendant, |
4/11/11 |
A.10-07-009 (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U902E) for Approval of its Proposals for Dynamic Pricing and Recovery of Incremental Expenditures Required for Implementation, |
4/20/11 |
A.10-03-014 (Phase 3) (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company To Revise Its Electric Marginal Costs, Revenue Allocation, and Rate Design, including Real Time Pricing, to Revise its Customer Energy Statements, and to Seek Recovery of Incremental Expenditures. (U39M), |
5/9/11 |
A.10-07-007 (EH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to increase its Revenues for Water Service by $4,134,600 or 2.55% in the year 2011, by $33,105,800 or 19.68% in the year 2012, by $9,897,200 or 4.92% in the year 2013, and by $10,874,600 or 5.16% in the year 2014, |
5/23/11 |
R.10-05-006 (EH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking to Integrate and Refine Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans, |
6/8/11 |
A.10-09-018 (EH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to Implement the Carmel River reroute and San Clemente Dam Removal Project and to Recover the Costs Associated with the Project in Rates, |
8/12/10 |
ALJ 176-3259 |
E-4261 |
Advice Letter 2339-E Filed by Southern California Edison Company (SCE) on April 6, 2009, Advice Letter 2339-E-A Filed by SCE on May 20, 2009, and Advice Letter 2339-E-B Filed by SCE on June 10, 2010 - Related matters. | |
E-4343 |
Advice Letter 3546-E Filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) on October 26, 2009 and Supplemental Advice Letter Filed by PG&E 3546-E-A on June 14, 2010 - Related matters. | |
E-4346 |
Advice Letter 2377-E Filed by Southern California Edison Company (SCE) on August 26, 2009 - Related matters. | |
E-4350 |
Advice Letter 3610-E Filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) on February 1, 2010 - Related matters. | |
E-4352 |
Advice Letter 2161-E Filed by San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) on April 7, 2010 and Advice Letter 2161-E-A Filed by SDG&E on May 17, 2010 - Related matters. | |
E-4355 |
Advice Letter 2482-E Filed by Southern California Edison Company (SCE) on June 10, 2010 - Related matters. | |
G-3445 |
Advice Letter 3063-G Filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) November 20, 2009, PG&E Advice Letter 3072-G Filed December 23, 2009 and PG&E Advice Letter 3085-G Filed January 25, 2010 - Related matters. | |
G-3449 |
Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) Advice Letter (AL) 4115, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) AL 3673-E/3119-G, Southern California Edison Company (SCE) AL 2475-E, and California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE) AL 12, Filed on May 24, 2010 -Related matters. | |
T-17278 |
PROPOSED OUTCOME: Revokes the Wireless Identification Registrations of Carriers listed in Appendix A. ESTIMATED COST: None. Approved. | |
T-17283 |
T-17285 |
PROPOSED OUTCOME: Establishes the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program budget at $69.03 million for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. | |
T-17289 |
W-4835 |
Advice Letter No. 1968, Filed by California Water Service Company on December 23, 2009 - Related matters. | |
W-4837 |
PROPOSED OUTCOME: ESTIMATED COST: Increase in revenue of $723,777 for Test Year 2010. Approved. | |
W-4838 |
Advice Letter 197-W, Filed by Great Oaks Water Company on February 2, 2010 - Related matters. | |
W-4839 |
Advice Letter 23-W Filed by Live Oak Springs Water Company on March 11, 2010 - Related matters. | |
9/2/10 |
ALJ 176-3260 |
E-4360 |
Advice Letter 3665-E Filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) on May 10, 2010. | |
ALJ-255 |
E-4347 |
Advice Letter 2391-E Filed by Southern California Edison Company (SCE) on October 16, 2009 and Advice Letter 2391-E-A Filed by SCE on October 29, 2009 - Related matters. | |
E-4353 |
Advice Letter 3681-E Filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) on June 4, 2010 - Related matters. The amended PPA is approved without modification. | |
E-4354 |
PROPOSED OUTCOME: Deployment and Demonstration Program Budget. ESTIMATED COST: | |
E-4356 |
Advice Letter 3671-E Filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) on May 11, 2010 - Related matters. | |
G-3440 |
Res G-3440, By Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Advice Letter 3033-G, Filed on July 10, 2009 - Related matters. | |
SX-97 |
T-17288 |
T-17290 |
W-4841 |
Res W-4841, Advice Letter (AL) 52-W, Filed by Tahoe Park Water Company (TPWC) on January 4, 2010, and revised AL 52-W-A, Filed by TPWC June 30, 2010 - Related matters. |