7. Record

We intend to incorporate into the record for this rulemaking the recent staff white paper issued by the Commission's Policy and Planning Division dated May 22, 2009. This staff white paper addresses light-duty vehicle electrification and is available at http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/energy/ev_comments.htm. We will also incorporate comments on the May 22, 2009 staff white paper as part of the opening and reply comment process for this rulemaking. These comments are available at the same web address. Parties may cross-reference web-posted comments in their comments filed in this rulemaking and may provide additional comments as needed.

We also plan to incorporate relevant materials from the July 15, 2009 electric vehicle workshop in R.08-12-009, and parties may reference those materials ( http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/energy/090714_sgpres.htm) in their comments in this rulemaking.

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