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ALJ/CMW/lil Date of Issuance 3/23/2012
Decision 12-03-046 March 22, 2012
Application of California Water Service Company (U60W) for an order confirming its discontinuance of the ESP program as provided in D.07-12-055, Ordering Paragraph 19, approving accounting for the residual affiliate transaction, and confirming under D.07-12-055, Ordering Paragraph 16 that Applicant's residual services to its affiliate CWS Utility Services comply with applicable law. |
Application 08-05-019 (Filed May 12, 2008) |
Public Utilities Code Section 1701.5 provides that ratemaking matters such as this application shall be resolved within 18 months of issuance of the scoping memo for the proceeding, unless the Commission makes findings why that statutory deadline cannot be met and issues an order extending the 18-month deadline.
In this proceeding, the scoping memo issued on October 2, 2009, therefore the 18-month deadline for resolving the proceeding was April 2, 2011. In Decision (D.) 11-01-009, issued January 27, 2011, the Commission found that this proceeding's schedule relied on policy guidance from our affiliate rulemaking proceeding, Rulemaking 09-04-012. On October 20, 2011, the Commission issued D.11-10-034 which modified the affiliate transactions and the provision of non-tariffed products and services for all Class A and B water and sewer utilities.
Following the issuance of D.11-10-034, hearings were held in this proceeding. On October 12, 2011, a joint motion was filed by California Water Service Company and by the Division of Ratepayer Advocates requesting approval of a settlement and a brief in support of the settlement. A proposed decision is being drafted.
On September 22, 2011, the Commission in D.11-09-032 extended the statutory deadline to November 29, 2011, in D.11-11-016 extended the deadline to January 28, 2012, and in D.12-01-016 to March 28, 2012. Therefore, a 60-day extension of the statutory deadline until May 29, 2012 is necessary.