2. Background and Procedural History

By Decision (D.) 09-12-044, the Commission granted Southern California Edison Company (SCE) a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct Segments 4 through 11 of the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP), using the Environmentally Superior Alternative, and subject to the mitigation measures and other conditions described in that decision. Several parties filed applications for rehearing of D.09-12-044, including the City of Chino Hills (Chino Hills), which also filed a motion for partial stay. By D.11-11-020, the Commission stayed D.09-12-044 "to the extent it applies to Segment 8A of the TRTP pending the Commission's resolution of Chino Hills' Application for Rehearing."1 Shortly thereafter, the Commission issued D.11-11-026 to correct two clerical errors in D.11-11-020.

On February 17, 2012, SCE filed a motion requesting that the Commission clarify the scope of the partial stay.2 SCE asks that the Commission expressly confirm that the stay applies "only to those portions of Segment 8A that lie within the City of Chino Hills or that would become unnecessary or obsolete if the Commission were to select one of the 21 identified Alternatives" and thereby modify the authority granted by D.09-12-044.3

SCE's motion states that prior to filing the motion, SCE reviewed its request with Chino Hills and has confirmed that Chino Hills does not object to the proposed clarification. No responses or oppositions to SCE's motion were filed.

1 D.11-11-020, Ordering Paragraph at 2. At the time D.11-11-020 issued, Chino Hills also had filed two petitions for modification of D.09-12-044, seeking to reopen the record on the portion of Segment 8A of the TRTP that passes through the city, and in the interim, to stay construction of that part of the TRTP.

2 See Motion for Clarification of November 10, 2011 Commission Order Granting the City of Chino Hill's Motion for Partial Stay of Decision 09-12-044, February 17, 2012.

3 SCE motion at 4.

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