The Alameda Corridor - East Construction Authority (ACE) filed its original Application 10-08-021 on August 27, 2010. The Commission issued Decision (D). 11-05-014 on May 9, 2011.
ACE filed the Petition for Modification on September 8, 2011 and indicates that it is requesting the changes to the final designs proposed for the temporary crossings to be constructed across the shoofly track and placed in use while the grade-separation structures are constructed. ACE is requesting authority to add train-activated blank out signs at the intersection of Ramona Street and Mission Road crossing north of the Ramona crossing to serve eastbound Mission Road vehicular traffic. ACE requests to move the temporary pedestrian crossing at Mission Road approved by D.11-05-014 from the east side to the west side of the crossing in stage 2B, as well as provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant modifications to the temporary pedestrian walkways proposed at the intersection of Ramona Street and Mission Road and at the intersection of Mission Road and South Junipero Serra Drive. ACE also requests to move the temporary pedestrian crossing at Mission Road, from the east side to the west side of the crossing in stage 2B. In addition to adding new railroad signal houses at the Ramona Street, Mission Road, Del Mar Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard crossings in stage 1A instead of 1B, the Petition to Modify also proposes to rename the Walnut Grove Avenue crossing stages to 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B for clarity.
These minor changes are requested to mitigate the issues identified during preparation of contract documents with the Union Pacific Railroad Company, City of San Gabriel requirements, California Department of Transportation requirements, Los Angeles County requirements, Army Corps of Engineers requirements, State Historic Preservation Office requirements, California Environmental Quality Act/National Environmental Policy Act mitigation measures, scheduling requirements, and other requirements in preparation of plans and specifications for bid purposes.