4. Interagency Consideration

In D.04-01-050, the Commission established that LTPPs would occur on a biennial basis. This approach is to ensure appropriate coordination with the California Energy Commission's (CEC) Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) proceeding.12 We will consider the CEC's most recent IEPR, for procurement-related recommendations during this and related rulemakings.13

In the past few years, we have encouraged the active participation of the CEC in our rulemaking endeavors on the decision-making side, rather than as a party to the proceeding. We invite the CEC to join us in this proceeding by continuing the collaborative approach that both agencies pursued in the development of procurement policy since R.05-12-013. This collaborative approach has been an effective tool to ensure that state agencies are able to communicate and achieve our joint policy goals.

In addition, the Commission has worked cooperatively with the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) on matters that directly impact long-term procurement, including renewable integration modeling, transmission planning and wholesale market issues. We welcome and invite the CAISO's participation as a party to this proceeding to provide data and analysis to develop the record of this proceeding.

Other state agencies actively involved in energy policymaking may also be interested in this proceeding, and we welcome their participation.

12 D.04-01-050 at 175.

13 CEC. Energy Policies. See http://www.energy.ca.gov/energypolicy/index.html

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