7. Category of Proceeding and Need for Hearing

The Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure require that an OIR preliminarily determine the category of the proceeding and the need for hearing.19 As a preliminary matter, we determine that this proceeding is ratesetting as defined in Rule 1.3(e), and that because significant factual issues may be raised regarding the IOUs' bundled procurement plans, that evidentiary hearings may be necessary during at least Track II of the proceeding. However, as with earlier procurement proceedings, many issues may lend themselves to resolution through a combination of workshops and formal comments without hearing.

Any person who objects to the preliminary categorization of this rulemaking as "ratesetting" or to the preliminary hearing determination shall state their objections in the comments on the Preliminary Scoping Memo. After considering the comments, the assigned Commissioner will issue a scoping ruling making a final category determination; this final category determination is subject to appeal as specified in Rule 7.6.

19 Rule 7.1(a).

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