12. Ex Parte Communications

Communications with decision makers and advisors in this rulemaking are subject to the rules on ex parte communications set forth in Article 8 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure. (See Rule 8.4(b), Rule 8.2(c), Rule 8.3 and 8.5.)

Therefore, IT IS ORDERED that:

1. The Commission institutes this rulemaking on its own motion to continue its efforts to ensure reliable and cost-effective electricity supply in California through integration and refinement of a comprehensive set of procurement policies and review of long-term procurement plans.

2. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company, and all other load serving entities as defined in Public Utilities Code Section 380(j) are respondents to this proceeding. Appendix A lists such entities as reflected in the Commission's records. Any error or omission in Appendix A shall not excuse any load-serving entity from respondent status.

3. This is a successor proceeding to the Commission's procurement rulemaking, Rulemaking 10-05-006, with respect to long-term procurement plans and the record developed in that proceeding is fully available for consideration in this proceeding.

4. The Executive Director shall cause this Order Instituting Rulemaking to be served on the respondents listed in Ordering Paragraph 2 above, and on the service lists for Rulemaking (R.) 11-03-012 (Greenhouse Gas Auction Revenue), R.08-08-009 and R.11-05-005 (Renewables Portfolio Standard), R.09-10-032 and R.11-10-023 (Resource Adequacy), R.09-11-014 (Energy Efficiency), R.07-01-041 (Demand Response), R.08-03-008 and R.10-05-004 (California Solar Initiative), R.10-12-007 (Energy Storage), and R.08-03-009/ Investigation 08-03-010 (Renewable Transmission).

5. A prehearing conference is scheduled for April 18, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. in the Commission Courtroom, State Office Building, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California. A service list will be established at that time.

6. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company shall, and other parties may, file comments on the Preliminary Scoping Memo and Schedule by April 6, 2012. Pursuant to Rule 6.2 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, parties shall include in their comments any objections regarding the category, need for hearing, issues to be considered, or schedule.

7. Any person or representative of an entity interested in participating in or monitoring this proceeding that does not make an appearance at the prehearing conference shall follow the process for doing so set forth herein.

8. The category of this rulemaking is preliminarily determined to be ratesetting, and is subject to the ex parte communication rules stated in Article 8 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure.

9. Evidentiary hearings are anticipated.

10. Any party that expects to claim intervenor compensation for its participation in this rulemaking shall file its notice of intent (NOI) to claim intervenor compensation no later than 30 days after the prehearing conference, even if that party had previously sought intervenor compensation status in Rulemaking (R.)10-05-006. Determinations of eligibility for intervenor compensation rendered in R. 10-05-006 shall continue to this proceeding upon request in the NOI. Contributions made during the pendency of R.10-05-006 to issues within the scope of this proceeding may be considered for compensation in this proceeding.

11. The assigned Commissioner or Administrative Law Judge may make any revisions to the scheduling and filing determinations made herein as necessary to facilitate the efficient management of the proceeding, including reorganization of issues between the separate tracks of the proceeding.

This order is effective today.

Dated March 22, 2012, at San Francisco, California.

Order Instituting Rulemaking Appendix A

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