1. Parties to the Transaction

Wilshire Connection, LLC (Wilshire), a Delaware corporation, holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) authorizing the company to operate as a limited facilities-based and resale competitive local exchange and interexchange carrier in California.2 NTC Network, LLC (NTC), a California limited liability company, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wilshire and holds CPCN authority to operate as a full facilities-based and resale competitive local exchange and interexchange carrier in California.3

Wilshire and NTC operate on a consolidated basis under Wilshire's name to provide "last-mile" transport and interconnection facilities between multiple collocation facilities and carrier hotels in the downtown Los Angeles area for use by telecommunications carriers, internet access providers, and other high bandwidth users. Wilshire customers may lease conduit or dark fiber, or contract for transport services from Wilshire. Wilshire also provides collocation space in downtown Los Angeles.

Wilcon Holdings, LLC (Wilcon), a Delaware corporation, was formed to hold the limited liability company membership interests in Wilshire and NTC. Wilcon is a subsidiary of Pamlico Capital, which manages investments in middle market companies in various industries, including business and technology services, communications, and health care. Pamlico Capital, which was formerly known as Wachovia Capital Partners, was founded in 1988 and is based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Wilcon does not currently hold any California CPCN authority.

2 Wilshire's CPCN as a reseller was granted in Decision (D.) 98-10-037, with the limited facilities-based CPCN granted in D.99-10-025.

3 NTC's CPCN was granted in D.99-06-083.

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