· Not collect credit deposits for late payment of bills.

The utilities shall observe these required practices until December 31, 2013, with two exceptions. The requirement that CSRs offer enrollment in CARE rates by telephone and the requirement for a pre-disconnection site visit for vulnerable customers do not expire. However, in the event that a utility's CARE customer disconnection rate for 2012 is less than a benchmark of 5% for PG&E and 6% for SCE, the utility may file an advice letter after January 1, 2013 to be relieved of the required practices prior to December 31, 2013. In the advice letter filings, PG&E and SCE are directed to include an addendum that comprehensively reports (on a month-to-month basis) the Investor-owned Utilities (IOUs') internal criteria and processes for determining how customers are identified as eligible for disconnected.1 Where the required practices require the utility to waive otherwise applicable customer deposits, the utilities may nevertheless require deposits from customers who have written three or more bad checks in a year and those involved in fraud.

This proceeding is closed.

1 Since it is unclear when, during 2013, the Advice Letter will be submitted, the IOUs will provide year-to-date (YTD) data up to last full month before the filing. For example, if the Advice Letter is filed June 10, 2013, the IOUs should provide data from the beginning of this initiative until May 31, 2013.

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