· Targeting the untapped potential of small commercial buildings;

· Increasing the adoption of Emerging Technologies (ETs) into current programs;

· Increasing the measurement of performance data at the building level;

· Providing deeper energy retrofits through innovative auditing approaches and packages of measures; and

· Addressing split-incentive barriers in multi-tenant buildings.255

1) Increasing coordination with Local Government Partnerships and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) for hard to reach customers;

2) Acceptance of rebates in the small business market should include a commitment to an audit;

3) Utilizing the Energy Smart Jobs (ESJ) model for outreach, and piloting Building Energy Asset Rating System (BEARS); and

4) Programs focused on tenant-leased space should compile a participant "toolkit."257

· Presentation of return on investment in audit results, and

· Tailoring audits to market segments, investigating the Energy Smart Jobs model.278

253 "Deemed Incentives" refers to pre-determined incentives for measures that are in DEER.

254 Programmatic Guidance Ruling, Attachment A at A10. http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/efile/RULINGS/154861.pdf.

255 Programmatic Guidance Ruling, at 3-4. http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/efile/RULINGS/154860.pdf.

256 2011 Annual Reports and PPMs filed pursuant to Res E-4385.

257 The Staff recommendation to include a "tool kit" for small commercial buildings in tenant-leased spaces is addressed below in the discussion on split incentives.

258 SDG&E and SoCalGas Comments on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 10.

259 Ibid. at 11.

260 http://energysmartjobs.org/about/index.html.

261 SCE Comments on Staff Proposal at 10.

262 A Business Improvement District is a public/private partnership that performs a variety of services to improve the image of its city and promote individual business districts. It can also carry out economic development services by working to attract, retain and expand businesses.

263 http://www.coolcalifornia.org/sites/coolcalifornia/files/NorthPark.pdf.

264 Institutional Partnership Programs are resource programs, but Local Government Partnerships are non-resource programs.

265 Analysis To Update Energy Efficiency Potential, Goals, And Targets For 2013 And Beyond, at 100. http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/NR/rdonlyres/7C233849-9726-497DA60DFE84A057591A/0/PotentialGoalsandTargetsStudyTrack1DraftReport20111108.pdf.

266 Staff Proposal in the Guidance Ruling Attachment A at A11. http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/efile/RULINGS/154861.pdf.

267 PG&E Comments on Staff Proposal at 9.

268 Ibid.

269 Ibid. at 11.

270 SCE Comments on Staff Proposal at 11.

271 Ibid. at 10.

272 Sub-metering is the metering of individual buildings or commercial spaces, which creates awareness of energy usage by individual tenants or buildings where previously disguised by a master meter.

273 PG&E Comments on Staff Proposal at 10.

274 Ibid.

275 SCE Comments on Staff Proposal at 11.

276 Harcourt Brown & Carey, Inc. Energy Efficiency Financing in California Needs and Gaps - Preliminary Assessment and Recommendations, at 45. http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/NR/rdonlyres/9A7637A9-BE7E-4762-B48F-93530D11DF8D/0/EEFinanceReport_final.pdf.

277 A High Impact Measure is an energy efficiency measure that represents a significant portion of the IOU portfolio energy savings and demand reduction.

278 Programmatic Guidance Ruling.

279 PG&E Comments on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 11.

280 CILMT Comments on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 3.

281 Split incentives refers to a condition where neither the owner nor the tenant is willing to make improvements to a leased space because neither party is likely to accrue the entirety of benefits associated with their investment.

282 Programmatic Guidance Ruling at A15.

283 PG&E Comments to Staff Proposal at 10.

284 Ibid.

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