3. Conclusion

The application seeks to amend the utility incident reporting criteria originally approved in D.98-07-097, which became effective on July 23, 1998. Since that time, the Joint Utilities have implemented the reporting procedures and gained experience with the criteria. Over the years, utility and Commission staff have met regularly to discuss the reporting procedures and to develop ways to improve and streamline the process. Recently, at such a meeting, the participants discussed ways to focus limited staff resources on the more important of the accident reports. That discussion led to two suggestions: (1) reduce the number of exhibits automatically included with all final reports, and (2) narrow the scope of the reporting criteria by eliminating minor vegetation-related incident reports. The first suggestion was implemented by electronic mail direction. The second suggestion requires the Commission to adopt this application. Attachment 1 hereto is a copy of the proposed change to Appendix B of D.98-07-097, which we adopt today.

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