Two exhibits were received from parties after hearings. At hearings, TURN requested permission to submit a corrected version of two figures and a table from the testimony of William Marcus. No objections were raised to providing this correction after the end of hearings, and the errata exhibit was identified as Exhibit 200A. TURN served this late-filed exhibit, titled "Southern California Edison's Advanced Metering Infrastructure Program: Supplemental Testimony of William B. Marcus Updating Figures and Table," on parties on March 17, 2008, with a request that it be received into the record. No parties have subsequently objected to including this exhibit in the record. Exhibit 200A is hereby received.
Also at hearings, ALJ Hecht requested that parties prepare and enter into the record a joint comparison exhibit identifying all disputed issues in the case and the location in the record (testimony, settlement, or stipulations) of parties' initial and final positions on each disputed issue. This comparison exhibit was identified as Exhibit 16, and on March 20, 2008, SCE filed "Motion of SCE to Submit Joint Comparison Exhibit into Evidence." No parties have subsequently objected to including this exhibit in the record. SCE's motion is granted, and Exhibit 16 is hereby received.
The record is composed of all documents that were filed and served on parties. It also includes all testimony and exhibits received at hearing, and the two exhibits identified at the hearings and served on all parties in response to direction at the hearing. Also, the ALJ sealed as confidential various exhibits and filings. We affirm all assigned Commissioner and ALJ rulings in this proceeding. All motions not previously ruled upon or addressed in this decision are denied.