5. Alliance of Retail Energy Market/Electric Service Provider Issues

The October 17, 2008, scoping memo in this proceeding addressed a request made by the AReM that this proceeding consider whether "ESPs and Direct Access customers have special metering or data access issues related to SCE's AMI proposal and, if so, how ... those issues [should] be addressed."11 The scoping memo required AReM and SCE to attempt to settle issues related to the needs of ESPs and Direct Access customers, and to provide a report within this proceeding outlining mutually agreeable solutions to AReM's concerns by November 16, 2007. On November 16, 2007, SCE and AReM sent a letter to the assigned ALJ that was served on all parties, concluding that there is no special metering or data access issues that related to ESPs or Direct Access customers that require litigation in this proceeding. No parties to this proceeding objected to this conclusion or provided testimony on ESP or Direct Access issues related to the deployment of SCE's proposed AMI system. We agree that no related issues must be resolved in this proceeding, and so ESP and Direct Access issues are not further addressed in this decision.

11 Assigned Commissioner and Administrative Law Judge's Scoping Ruling (Scoping Ruling), p. 4.

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