17. Comments on Proposed Decision

The proposed decision of the ALJ in this matter was mailed to the parties in accordance with Section 311 of the Public Utilities Code and comments were allowed under Rule 14.3 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Comments were filed by SoCalGas, TURN, and SCE and DRA jointly, on September 8, 2008, and reply comments were filed on September 15, 2008 by SCE and TURN.

Based on these comments, additional text has been added to the decision to clarify the discussion and analysis of several of the contested issues, including estimated PTR elasticities, estimated societal benefits, and TURN's proposed penalty mechanism. Language has also been added to Ordering Paragraph 5 to improve its clarity and consistency with the Settlement Agreement. In addition, small changes have been made throughout the decision to improve its clarity and correct typographical and other small errors.

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