Word Document


Communications Division


Consumer Programs Branch

August 20, 2009




This Resolution adopts a budget of $69.907 million for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010-11 for the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) Program.

In addition, this resolution raises the cap on total CTF discounts available for eligible California Community Colleges, from $7.874 million to $8.093 million.


The CTF was adopted in Decision (D.) 96-10-066, effective October 25, 1996, to provide discounted rates for a family of telecommunications services for qualifying schools, libraries, government-owned health care providers, and other community based organizations (CBOs).

In October 1999, Public Utilities (PU) Code Sections 270-281 were enacted by Senate Bill (SB) 669 (Stats. 1999, Chapter 677). PU Code Sections 270-281 require, among other things, that the money appropriated from each of the funds be used only for the purpose of that fund.

In May 2006, the Commission opened Rulemaking 06-05-028 to conduct a comprehensive review of the Telecommunications Public Policy Programs, including the CTF. In D.08-06-020, issued on June 12, 2008, the Commission found that the CTF was successfully enhancing universal service goals, and ordered several key changes to the CTF program. These changes included: (1) an expansion of CTF-eligible services, (2) the removal of CTF tariff requirements for all carriers that provide CTF-eligible services on a detariffed or non-regulated basis, and (3) the inclusion of California's Community Colleges, California Telehealth Network participants and non-profit CBOs providing 2-1-1 Information and Referral Services in the CTF program.1 Lastly, in this Decision, the Commission placed a cap of $7.200 million per year, adjusted annually based on Western Consumer Price Index, on total CTF discounts received by California Community Colleges.

On June 23, 2009, the CTF Administrative Committee (CTF-AC) submitted a letter to the Commission's Executive Director seeking approval of a proposed budget of $67.124 million for FY 2010-11. This budget recommendation was filed in accordance with Paragraph 4.1 of the CTF-AC charter. Details of this proposed budget can be found in Appendix A.

The CTF program is funded by a surcharge assessed by wireline and wireless carriers on consumer's intrastate telecommunication services. The current surcharge rate is 0.079%.


Notice of the CTF-AC's proposed budget for FY 2010-11 was published in the Commission's Daily Calendar on June 30, 2009. The Communications Division (CD) did not receive any protests related to the notice.


1. CTF Budget

In this Resolution, the Commission adopts the CTF budget for FY 2010-11 in the amount of $69.907 million.

Appendix A of this resolution shows the FY 2010-11 CTF budget as proposed by CD in June 2009. This budget includes, among other things, sufficient funds to pay for audits, state overhead and committee expenses. Of CD's $69.907 million proposed budget for FY 2010-11, $66.238 million is for payments to carriers providing CTF discounted services; $1.400 million for financial, compliance and surcharge remittance audits; $5,000 for banking fees; $34,000 for Advisory Committee expenses; $686,000 for CPUC staff costs; $139,000 for inter-agency costs; $5,000 for programming and maintaining the electronic and monitoring systems; and $1.400 million for outreach.

The majority of the CTF budget will pay for claims, which are filed by carriers, for reimbursement of monthly CTF discounts. To help develop an estimate for the claims expense, CD solicited claims forecasts for FY 2010-11 from CTF participating carriers. CD anticipates that total claims expense will increase because of several factors. First, the number of CTF participating carriers increased from 38 for the FY 2009-10 budget, to 55 for FY 2010-11. Second, CD approved a total of 725 applications in FY 2008-09, which is approximately 76% increase from approved applications in FY 2007-08. CD believes this trend may continue through FY 2010-11. Lastly, CD expects the recent program expansions mandated by D.08-06-020 to increase claims. A majority of this increase is represented in the carriers' forecasts for FY 2010-11 claims. However, CD has confirmed that carriers did not account for the eligibility of California Telehealth Network participants. Also, CD believes that the carriers have underestimated claims related to the newly eligible Internet Access services. Therefore, CD's recommendation includes an augmentation to the carriers' forecasts for claims related to the California Telehealth Network2 and Internet Access services3.

CD's FY 2010-11 budget recommendation of $69.907 million is $9.567 million (16%) greater than the prior fiscal year's budget of $60.340 million (Resolution T-17162). The increase is due to the following reasons:

CD's FY 2010-11 budget recommendation is $2.783 million more than the CTF- AC's proposed budget. The CTF-AC budgeted $63.405 million for carriers' claims, while CD estimates $66.188 million. CD used more up-to-date claims forecasts (provided by CTF participating carriers) as compared to those used by the CTF-AC.

2. California Community College Cap

Pursuant to D.08-06-020, the Commission raises the cap on total CTF discounts available for eligible California Community Colleges. Based on changes in the Western Consumer Price Index, the California Community College cap will increase by $219,000, to $8.093 million for FY 2010-11.4

In light of the above discussions, CD believes its proposed CTF budget of $69.907 million for FY 2010-11, which includes a budget cap of $8.093 million for California Community Colleges, is appropriate and reasonable. Therefore, CD respectfully recommends that the Commission adopt CD's proposal.


In the past, to comply with PU Code Section 311(g), the Commission had served a hard copy of resolutions regarding CTF budgets to all telecommunications carriers and the parties of record in R. 95-01-020/I95-01-021. To be consistent with the Commission's commitment to utilize the Internet for distributing Commission orders and information, on July 21, 2009 CD e-mailed a notice letter informing telecommunications carriers serving CTF customers, members of the CTF-AC, and the parties of records in R. 95-01-020/I95-01-021 and R.06-05-028 of the availability of this draft resolution as well as the conformed resolution, when adopted by the Commission, on the Commission web-site at www.cpuc.ca.gov.

No comments were received by the Communications Division regarding this resolution.



I hereby certify that this Resolution was adopted by the Public Utilities Commission at its regular meeting on August 20, 2009. The following Commissioners approved it:











California Teleconnect Fund

Public Programs :: Expense Budget ($000s)

FY 2010-11 :: July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011

End of Appendix A

1 CBOs providing 2-1-1 Referral and Information Services must be authorized by the Commission through a resolution process to participate in the CTF program.

2 D.08-06-020 footnote No.148 states, "...payments from CTF will be less than $650,000 per year" for expenses related to CTN.

3 CD developed an estimate of $24.846 million for claims for Internet access services using data collected from CTF customers and the Federal Communications Commission's E-rate program. The carriers' forecasts include only $12.652 million for Internet access services; thus, CD recommends an augmentation of $12.194 million to the carriers' forecasts for the FY 2010-11 budget.

4 D.08-06-020, Conclusion of Law No. 7 states, "The Commission should limit the participation of community colleges in the CTF program to $7.2 million per year, adjusted annually based on Western-CPI."

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