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Revised General Order 168, Part 4

California Telephone Corporation Billing Rules

1. Applicability:

2. Definitions:

2.1. Billing Agents: Any entity which provides billing services for Service Providers directly or indirectly through a Billing Telephone Corporation.

2.2. Complaint: Any written or oral communication from a Subscriber alleging that an unauthorized charge was included in the Billing Telephone Corporation's bill to the Subscriber.

2.3. Service Provider: A person or entity, other than a Billing Telephone Corporation, that originates the charge or charges that are billed to the Subscriber of the Billing Telephone Corporation.

2.4. Billing Telephone Corporation: A telephone corporation that bills a Subscriber for products and services.

2.5. Telephone Corporation: Any telephone corporation (as defined in Pub. Util. Code § 234) operating within California. This term includes resellers and wireless telephone service providers.

2.6. Unauthorized Charge: Any charge placed upon a Subscriber's telephone bill for a service or goods that the Subscriber did not agree to purchase, including any charges that resulted from false, misleading, or deceptive representations. Charges that relate to a change in a subscriber's selection of a provider of telecommunications service are excluded from these rules and are subject to Part 3 (Rules Governing Slamming Complaints) of this General Order.

2.7. Subscriber: Either one of the following:

2.8. Investigation: An inquiry conducted by (i) the person or entity from which the disputed charge originated, (ii) a Billing Telephone Corporation, (iii) the Commission, or (iv) any other relevant government agency, such as the District Attorney's office in the Subscriber's county or the State Attorney General.

3. Authorization Required:

4. Billing for Authorized Charges Only:

5. Responsibilities of Billing Telephone Corporations:

6. Monitoring of Subscriber Billings:

7. Nonpayment of Charges During an Investigation:

1. Resolution:

2. Other Available Rights:

3. Record Retention for Refunds:

a. the Subscriber name;

b. the Subscriber telephone number;

c. the name of the Service Provider responsible for the charge complained about;

d. the name of the Billing Agent(s), if any;

e. the amount of the alleged unauthorized charge and the date the charge was incurred and billed;

f. a description of the product or service billed;

g. for Billing Agents, the total dollars billed and total amount refunded for each Service Provider; for Billing Telephone Corporations, the total dollars billed and total dollars refunded for each Service Provider for which the Billing Telephone Company directly bills  and each Billing Agent; and

h. for Billing Agents, the total number of working telephone numbers or purchases billed by each Service Provider; for Billing Telephone Corporations, the total number of working telephone numbers or purchases billed by each Service Provider for which the Billing Telephone Corporation directly bills and each Billing Agent. Flexible Compliance Option: Billing Telephone Corporations and Billing Agents may also elect to maintain records that meet the Commission's standard of sufficient information to enable refunds to customers but do not include each item listed above.

4. Reporting Requirements

11.1. All wireless Billing Telephone Corporations shall create a calendar month summary report every quarter listing refunds made to Subscribers with California area codes for charges originated by Service Providers. The report of refunds shall be summarized by Service Provider and contain the following information:

    a. Name of Service Provider

    b. Name of Billing Agent (if any)

    c. Description of service provided

    d. Total number of purchases by Subscribers

    e. Total amount billed by the Billing Telephone Corporation on behalf of the Service Provider

    f. Total number refunds to Subscribers

    g. Total amount refunded by the Billing Telephone Corporation

· Report for January, February, and March due no later than April 30th;

· Report for April, May and June due no later than July 31st;

· Report for July, August and September due no later than October 31st; and

· Report for October, November, and December due no later than January 31st of the following year.

· Report for January, February, and March due no later than April 30th;

· Report for April, May and June due no later than July 31st;

· Report for July, August and September due no later than October 31st; and

· Report for October, November, and December due no later than January 31st of the following year.

· Report for January, February, and March due no later than April 30th;

· Report for April, May and June due no later than July 31st;

· Report for July, August and September due no later than October 31st; and

· Report for October, November, and December due no later than January 31st of the following year.

    If no complaints exist, in lieu of this report, a letter shall be sent to the Director of the Consumer Protection and Safety Division affirmatively stating that no complaints exist for the quarter.

5. Ongoing Collaboration With Staff:

6. Consumer Education:

7. Effect of Failure to Supply Reports:

8. Actions Based on Reported Information:


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