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(Supersedes General Order No. 26-C)
As Amended:
Decision No. 49925, April 20, 1954, Effective May 10, 1954; Decision No. 55025, May 21,
1957, Effective June 10, 1957; Decision No. 58439, May 19, 1959, Effective June 8, 1959;
Decision No. 63722, May 22, 1962, Effective June 11, 1962: Decision No. 66725,
January 28, 1964, Effective February 17, 1964; Decision No. 68264, November 24,
1964, Effective December 14, 1964; Decision No. 74065, April 30, 1968, Effective May
20, 1968; Decision No. 74486, August 6, 1968, Effective August 26, 1968; Resolution
No. ET-1115, November 26, 1968, Decision No. 80051, May 16, 1972, Effective June
5, 1972; Decision No. 86809, January 5, 1977, Effective January 25, 1977; Decision No.
93702, November 3, 1981, Effective December 3, 198l.It Is Hereby Ordered by the Public Utilities Commission of the State
of California that the minimum clearance requirements for railroads
and street railroads hereinafter prescribed shall hereafter be observed
in this state in all construction or reconstruction of tracks or structures
adjacent to tracks.It Is Hereby Further Ordered that no railroad or street railroad
corporation shall operate any cars, trains, motors, engines, or other
rolling equipment over its own or other tracks, except as hereinafter
provided, on which overhead or side clearances, or clearances
between tracks, are less than the minimum herein prescribed, if such
tracks or structures adjacent to such tracks are constructed or recon-
structed subsequent to the effective date hereof.
Section 1
For the purposes of these regulations definitions as hereinafter
prescribed will govern.
1.1 Height of a Freight Car is the distance between the top of
rail and the top of the running board.1.2 Side of a Freight Car is that part or appurtenance of a car
at the maximum distance measured at right angles from
the center line of the car.1.3 Width of a Freight Car is twice the distance from the center
line to the side of a car as defined herein.1.4 Overhead Clearance is the vertical distance from the level
of the top of the highest rail to a structure or obstruction
above.1.5 Side Clearance is the shortest distance from the center line
of track to a structure or obstruction at the side of track.
Section 2-Overhead Clearances
2.1 The minimum overhead clearance above railroad and street
railroad tracks, which are used or proposed to be used for
transporting freight cars, shall be twenty-two (22) feet six
(6) inches. Structures constructed prior to the effective
date of this order may be maintained at such clearances
as was lawful at the time of construction.2.2 The overhead clearance above top of rail of such tracks
located inside of buildings may be reduced to eighteen
(18) feet, provided that this clearance shall apply only to
tracks terminating within the building, and further pro-
vided, that when an overhead clearance of less than
twenty-two (22) feet exists on tracks inside such building,
all cars, trains, motors, engines or other equipment shall
be brought to a stop before entering such building, the
conditions provided to require such stop to be approved
by the Commission.2.3 Unless otherwise provided herein, overhead clearances au-
theorized in this section are applicable only to tracks on
which freight cars having a height not exceeding fifteen
(15) feet six (6) inches are transported. Freight cars of a
height exceeding fifteen (15) feet four (4) inches, but not
greater than fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches shall be per-
manently marked, stenciled, or placarded as hereinafter
required, and such markings maintained in a legible con-
dition reading as follows:
"This Car
The markings required in this subsection shall be made
permanent on owned cars as soon as practicable with a
¾_ stripe outlining an area not less than seven (7) inches
by ten (10) inches, such stripes and lettering to be of a
color contrasting with the car body color. All such re-
quired markings and placarding shall be placed on the
side adjacent to the ladder or hand-holds near the floor
line of the car at each of the four corners.2.4 Freight cars not exceeding a height of fifteen (15) feet six
(6) inches may be transported without compliance with
the requirements of subsection 2.3 of this order provided
that the tracks over which such operations are conducted
exhibit throughout the route an overhead clearance of
twenty-two (22) feet six (6) inches as required in subsec-
tion 2.1 of this order.2.5 If freight cars of a height greater than fifteen (15) feet six
(6) inches are transported or proposed to be transported,
minimum overhead clearances shall be increased by an
amount of not less than such additional height provided
that such cars are exempt from this subsection when the
top running boards have been removed, ladders and hand
brakes lowered, cars painted, stenciled, and otherwise
modified in compliance with the provisions of Section
231.24 of Part 231, U. S. Safety Appliance Standards (rail-
Section 3-Side Clearances
3.1 Minimum side clearances from center line of tangent stand-
ard gauge railroad and street railroad tracks, which are
used or proposed to be used for transporting freight cars,
except as hereinafter prescribed, shall be as shown below.
Description Side Clearance
3.2 All structures and obstructions above the top of the
rail except those hereinafter specifically men-
tioned........................................................ 8´ 6_
NOTE: Posts, pipes, warning signs and similar obstructions should,
where practicable, have a side clearance of ten (10) feet.3.3 Platforms eight (8) inches or less above top of rail .................................................................. 4´ 8_
3.4 Platforms four (4) feet or less above top of rail............. 7´ 6_
3.5 Platforms four (4) feet six (6) inches or less above
top of rail when used principally for loading or
unloading refrigerator cars................................... 8´ 0_3.6 Platforms previously constructed at clearance not
less than seven (7) feet three (3) inches may be
extended at such clearance unless such extension
is in connection with the reconstruction of the
original platform.
NOTE: Combinations of platforms under subsections 3.4 and 3.5 will
not be permitted. Combinations of platforms under subsection 3.3 with
either of those under subsections 3.4 or 3.5 is permitted provided that
the platform under subsection 3.3 presents a level surface from a point
not more than four (4) feet eight (8) inches from center line of track
to the face or wall of the platform with which it is combined.3.7 Poles supporting trolley contact conductors supply-ing motive power to track affected, if of bracket construction, on either single or double main track......................................................... 8´3_
NOTE: In order to bring switch stand targets into clear vision where
pole lines are or have been constructed at legal clearance on railroads
operated by overhead trolley contact the clearance as applied to
switch stands may be reduced to seven (7) feet six (6) inches.3.8 Switch boxes, switch-operating mechanisms and
accessories necessary for the control and opera-
tion of signals and interlockers projecting four
(4) inches or less above the top of rail.................. 3´0_
Description Side Clearance
3.9 Signals and switch stands three (3) feet or less
above top of rail and located between tracks
where not practicable to provide clearances oth-
erwise prescribed in this order........................... 6´ 0_3.10 Through bridges supporting track affected, tun-
nels, water columns and oil columns................... 8´ 0_3.11 The clearance for (a) through bridges supporting
track affected, (b) water barrel platforms and
refuse platforms on bridges and trestles not pro-
vided with walkways, (c) handrails, (d) water
barrels, (e) water columns, (f) oil columns, (g)
block signals, (h) cattle guards, and (i) stock
chutes, when all or portions thereof are four (4)
feet or less above top of rail, may be decreased to
the extent defined by a line extending diagonally
upward from a point level with top of rail and
five (5) feet distant laterally from center line of
track to a point four (4) feet above top of rail and
eight (8) feet distant laterally from center line of
track; provided, however, that the minimum
clearance for handrails and water barrels on
bridges with walkways shall be seven (7) feet
nine (9) inches, and, provided further, the mini-
mum clearance for fences of cattle guards shall
be six (6) feet nine (9) inches.
NOTE: Unless previously approved by the Commission, the clear-
ances authorized in subsection 3.11 of this order, except as provided
for handrails and water barrels, are not permitted on through bridges
where the work of trainmen or yardmen require them to be upon the
decks of such bridges for the purpose of coupling and uncoupling
cars in the performance of switching service on a switching led.3.12 The side clearances specified herein shall not apply
to mail cranes during such times as the arms of
such mail cranes are supporting a mail sack for
delivery, provided that the top arm is not then
higher than ten (10) feet eight (8) inches above
top of rail and neither arm extends within six (6)
feet five (5) inches from the center line of track.3.13 Icing Platforms and Supports.............................. 7'8"
3.14 Operations over portions of track adjacent to icing plat-
forms heretofore constructed with a side clearance of less
than seven (7) feet eight (8) inches shall be restricted to
the movement or switching of trains containing refrigera-
tor cars to be iced, and the necessary use of such tracks for
the unloading of supplies required for the operation of the
icing dock.3.15 Proposed extension of existing icing platforms at less than
seven (7) feet eight (8) inches shall be referred to the
Commission for approval before proceeding with such
project.3.16 All minimum side clearances prescribed in this section are
for tangent track. In general, all structures adjacent to
curved track, shall have a minimum side clearance one
(1) foot greater than the minimum side clearance other-
wise required for tangent track. Where the Commission
has determined that space is limited, the minimum side
clearances for structures adjacent to tracks of not over
twelve (12) degree curvature may be the same as for
tangent track, but where track curvature exceeds twelve
(12) degrees, one-half (½) inch for each degree of the
curve shall be added to the minimum side clearance re-
quired for tangent track.3.17 The center line of any track constructed in and along a
public street shall be at least ten (10) feet from the prop-
erty line of said street, or if the street has a lawfully estab-
lished curb line, such track shall be at least ten (10) feet
from such line.3.18 When tracks are operated exclusively for logging purposes,
log rollways which serve them may be erected at less than
the minimum side clearances herein prescribed.3.19 Minimum side clearances authorized in this section are ap-
plicable to tracks on which freight cars having a width not
greater than ten (10) feet ten (10) inches are transported.
Freight cars of a width exceeding ten (10) feet ten (10)
inches but not greater then eleven (11) feet one (1) inch
may be transported for a period of not more than one (1)
year after the effective date of this order, provided they
shall be permanently marked, stenciled, or placarded,
and such markings maintained in a legible condition read-
"This Car
All such required markings and placarding shall be placed
on the side adjacent to the ladder or handholds near the
floor line of the car at each of the four corners.3.20 Except as provided in subsection 3.19 of this order, if freight
cars of a width greater than ten (10) feet ten (10) inches
are transported or proposed to be transported, minimum
side clearances shall be increased by an amount equal to
one-half such additional width, and the distance between
parallel tracks as provided in subsection 5.4 of this order
shall be increased by the amount of such additional width.
Section 4-Overhead and Side Clearances
Minimum overhead and side clearances as prescribed in
Sections 2 and 3 of this order may be decreased to the extent
defined by the half circumference of a circle having a radius of
eight (8) feet six (6) inches and tangent to a horizontal line
twenty-two (22) feet six (6) inches above top of rail at a point
directly over the center line of track; provided, however, that for
tunnels and through bridges such radius may be eight (8) feet,
and provided further, that subsections 2.3 and 3.19 of this order
shall apply hereto.
Section 5-Clearance Between Parallel Tracks
5.1 The minimum distance between the center lines of parallel
standard gauge tracks shall be fourteen (14) feet except
as hereinafter provided.5.2 The center line of any standard gauge track, except a main
track or a passing track, parallel and adjacent to a main
track or a passing track, shall be at least fifteen (15) feet
from the center line of such main track or passing track;
provided, however, that where a passing track is adjacent
to and at least fifteen (15) feet distant from the main
track, any other track may be constructed adjacent to
such passing track with clearance prescribed in subsec-
tion 5.1 of this order.5.3 The center line of any standard gauge ladder track, con-
structed parallel to any other adjacent track, shall have a
clearance of not less than twenty (20) feet from the cen-
ter line of such other track.5.4 The minimum distance between the center lines of parallel
team, house and industry tracks shall be thirteen (13)
feet.5.5 Main, siding and yard tracks constructed prior to the effec-
tive date of this order with distance of not less than thir-
teen (13) feet between track centers may be extended
without increasing such distances.
Section 6-Other Conditions and Obstructions Adjacent to Tracks
6.1 No merchandise, material or other articles shall be placed or
permitted to remain either on the ground or on platforms
adjacent to any track at a distance less than eight (8) feet
six (6) inches from the center line of track.6.2 A suitable line or other marker should be maintained at a
distance of eight (8) feet six (6) inches from the center
line of track, on all platforms, excluding passenger plat-
forms, to indicate the space along edge of the platform
which must be kept clear of merchandise, material or
other articles.
Section 7-Lading on Open Top Cars
7.1 No movements shall be made of open top cars containing
lading extending in excess of fifteen (15) feet six (6)
inches in height above top of rail or extending laterally in
excess of five (5) feet five (5) inches from center line of
car, except as hereinafter prescribed.7.2 The operation of cars, the lading of which extends laterally
in excess of five (5) feet five (5) inches from center line
of car, shall be restricted to lading the size or dimensions
of which cannot be reduced.7.3 All open top cars with lading extending laterally in excess of
five (5) feet five (5) inches from center line of car or in
excess of fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches in height above
top of rail, shall be placarded on the load itself in a con-
spicuous place when practicable, and the car shall be
marked, stenciled, or placarded at locations specified in
subsection 3.19 of this order.7.4 All open top cars with lading extending laterally in excess of
five (5) feet five (5) inches from center line of car shall,
if train length permits, be trained at least five (5) cars
distant from both the caboose and the engine.7.5 A train order shall be delivered to every train containing
any car the lading of which extends laterally in excess of
five (5) feet five and one-half (5½) inches from the center
line of car or in excess of fifteen (15) feet six (6) inches
in height above top of rail, informing the crew of the train
that the train includes such car or cars, except that a
message may be used for such notification provided that
such notification shall be on paper of a fixed distinctive
color other than the color used for other messages and
that the conductor and engineer shall be required to
make such messages available to all other members of the
crew and that such messages shall remain in the records
of each railroad for a period of not less than 90 days.7.6 A train order shall be delivered to every train the operation
of which may be affected by the presence or movement
of a train containing such wide loads, described in subsec-
tion 7.5 of the order, informing the crew of the train of
that fact, except that a message may be used for such
notification provided that such notification shall be on
paper of a fixed distinctive color other than the color used
for other messages and that the conductor and engineer
shall be required to make such messages available to all
other members of the crew and that such messages shall
remain in the records of each railroad for a period of not
less than 90 days.7.7 Yard supervisors shall be given notifications sufficiently in
advance of the arrival of cars, the lading of which extends
laterally in excess of five (5) feet five and one-half (5½)
inches from center line of car, to enable them to take
necessary precautions to safeguard employees in yard.
7.8 Cars on which the lading exceeds 15´6_ above top of rail if
otherwise in compliance with these requirements as to
width of lading and the nature of which precludes the
probability of employees getting on top of or passing over
them are exempt from the conditions of this section, pro-
vided, however, that if train length permits, any such cars
except cars transporting highway trucks or trailers, mul-
tilevel freight cars either loaded or unloaded, automobile
underframe cars, wood chip cars transporting wood chips
when loaded and covered in such a manner to preclude
any material from being dislodged en route, and double-
stacked container on flatcar (COFC) equipment when
containers are precluded from shifting or movement
while in transit, shall be trained at least five cars distant
from the caboose. For the purpose of this section, automo-
bile underframe cars are either flat cars upon which au-
tomobile underframes are stacked and firmly secured in
a horizontal position or gondola cars in which such under-
framers are placed on end and firmly secured to the gon-
dola cars.
Section 8-Overhead and Side Clearances
8.1 For the operation of equipment on narrow gauge tracks, the
minimum overhead clearance shall provide a distance
above the top of the highest car operated not less than
that provided in this order for cars fifteen (15) feet six (6)
inches in height operated on standard gauge tracks; the
side clearances and distances between center lines of
tracks shall provide a distance from the sides of, or
between the widest cars operated, not less than those
distances herein provided for cars ten (10) feet ten (10)
inches in width operated on standard gauge tracks.8.2 All other requirements of this order where applicable shall
be observed by narrow gauge railroads.
Section 9-Overhead and Side Clearances
9.1 The minimum overhead clearance above railroad and street
railroad tracks which are not used or proposed to be used
for transporting freight cars shall be fourteen (14) feet.9.2 Minimum side clearances of railroad and street railroad
tracks which are not used or proposed to be used for
transporting freight cars shall be thirty (30) inches from
the side of the widest equipment operated, except that for
poles supporting trolley contact conductors between
main line double tracks such distance may be decreased
to twenty-four (24) inches.9.3 Minimum overhead and side clearances as prescribed in this
section may be decreased to the extent defined by a line
extending diagonally downward from a point fourteen
(14) feet above the top of rail and four (4) feet distant
laterally from the center line of track to a point eight (8)
feet above the top of rail and distant laterally thirty (30)
inches from the side of the widest equipment operated.9.4 Minimum side clearances as prescribed in this section may
be decreased in bridges, tunnels or subways to the extent
defined by a line extending diagonally upward from a
point level with the top of rail and five (5) feet distant
laterally from the center line of track to a point four (4)
feet above the top of rail and distant laterally thirty (30)
inches from the side of the widest equipment operated.
Section 10-Clearance Between Parallel Tangent Tracks
The minimum distance between the center lines of parallel tangent
tracks shall be not less than the width of the widest car operated plus
twenty-four (24) inches.
Section 11-Exceptions
11.1 Minimum clearances prescribed in Sections 9 and 10 of this
order may be reduced along passenger platforms subject
to approval by the Commission.11.2 Minimum clearances prescribed in Sections 9 and 10 of this
order may be reduced for trackage located in subways
and tunnels or compartments thereof, which are used
exclusively for railroad passenger traffic; provided that
the passenger equipment operated thereon shall have all
windows and other openings effectively barred.
Section 12-Public Roads, Highways, and Streets Crossing Under Tracks
12.1 Where a railroad or street railroad crosses above any public
road, highway, or street, a minimum overhead clearance
of fifteen (15) feet shall be provided above the surface of
such road, highway or street.12.2 Where a railroad or street railroad crosses above any public
road, highway, or street on a single supporting span, a
minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet shall be pro-
vided for the opening for such public road, highway or
street. Where two or more supporting-spans are used over
the public road, highway or street, a minimum width of
twelve (12) feet shall be provided for each opening.12.3 When the public road, highway or street is occupied by one
or more tracks, minimum clearance dimensions shall be
determined by this Commission for the case under consid-
Section 13-Public Roads, Highways, and Streets Crossing Over Tracks
13.1 Where a public road, highway, or street crosses above any
railroad or street railroad track used or proposed to be
used for transporting freight cars, the minimum clear-
ances prescribed in this order for such tracks must be
observed.13.2 Where a public road, highway, or street crosses over a rail-
road or street railroad track which is not used or proposed
to be used for transporting freight cars, minimum clear-
ances as prescribed in this order must be provided, except
that a minimum overhead clearance of nineteen (19) feet
above top of rail shall be provided unless otherwise or-
dered by the Commission.
Section 14-Electrical Construction
All clearances of electrical construction over, above, adjacent to,
along or across railroads and street railroads shall conform to the re-
quirements specified in General Order No. 95, or such other and fur-
ther general orders covering similar requirements as may be currently
Sections 15-Lesser Clearances Lawfully Created Prior to the
Effective Date of This Order
Where the overhead or side clearances between a track and any
building, structure or facility are less than the minimum prescribed in
this order, but were lawfully created prior to the effective date thereof,
the minimum clearances prescribed herein shall be provided when-
ever the building, structure or facility is relocated or reconstructed;
however, the Commission will consider specific requests for the future
continuance of heretofore lawful clearances at such reconstructed
building, structure or facility when application therefor has been made
as provided in subsection 16.2 of this order.
Section 16-Exemptions
16.1 Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the move-
ment of material over tracks when such material is neces-
sary in the construction or maintenance of such tracks,
nor in the movement of special work equipment used in
the construction, maintenance or operation of the rail-
road, provided such movements shall be carried on under
such conditions as are necessary to provide for the safety
of all concerned.16.2 If in any particular case, exemption from any of the require-
ments herein is deemed necessary by the carrier con-
cerned, the Commission will consider the application of
such carrier for such exemption when accompanied by a
full statement of the conditions existing and the reason
why such exemption is asked. Any exemption so granted
will be limited to the particular case covered by the ap-
plication.16.3 The Commission reserves the right to modify any of the
provisions of these regulations in specific cases when, in
the Commission's opinion, public safety, convenience or
necessity would be served by so doing.
Section 17-Prior Orders, Decision, and Exemptions
This order supersedes all regulations governing clearances between
tracks of railroads or street railroads and structures or obstructions
adjacent to such tracks heretofore promulgated under General Order
No. 26, General Order No. 26-A, General Order No. 26-B, General
Order No. 26-C, and Decisions Nos. 36007 and 39472 in Case No. 2290,
provided however, that any exemption or deviation heretofore grant-
ed and now in force and effect shall not be affected by this order and
shall remain in force and effect until the further order of this Commis-
This order shall be effective February 1, 1948.
Approved and dated at San Francisco, California, this 19th day of January, 1948.
By H. L. Farmer
Acting Executive Director