CPUC Online Documents Search Form
Decisions, Resolutions, and Rulings signed by the Commission starting
2000 are now available online. If you need documents issued before July
2000, you can request copies from Central Files by filling this
online form.
Search Tips:
document title can be a decision number (D0201001), a company name,
last name of the Administrative Law Judge or Commissioner who issued the
document. It also can be a short title of the subject (such as: rate agreement).
The following
document types can be selected from the drop-down box:
Agenda - provides listings of matters on which the Commission is scheduled to issue decisions at its bi-monthly business meetings.
Daily Calendar - provides listings of upcoming hearings in formal proceedings, new filings before the Commission, notice of public meetings and exparte contacts with Commissioners and other decisionmakers.
Agenda Decision - items that will be considered by the Commission at a meeting.
Comment Decision - issued 30 days in advance of Commission action on the matter and usually invite comments on the proposed decision.
Final Decision - after a formal proceeding is initiated before the Commission, it issues an order resolving the issues in that proceeding in the form of a final decision. In some proceedings, there may also be interim decisions.
General Orders- rules for all utilities or a class of utilities, as opposed to decisions rendered in a particular case for a particular utility.
News Release- an official statement that provides breaking news about a new service, program, decision or other activity.
Report - miscellaneous documents and reports.
Agenda Resolution- items that will be considered by the Commission at a meeting. These are documents that have been released to the public at the time the Commission mails its Agenda for a meeting.
Comment Resolution - issued 30 days in advance of Commission action on the matter and usually invite comments on the proposed resolution.
Final Resolution - Resolutions are prepared by various Commission staff divisions in response to informal filings, to comply with Commission orders, and to address other areas outside of formal proceedings.
Rules of Practice and Procedure - formal filing rules and procedure.
Ruling- during the course of a proceeding, the Administrative Law Judge or assigned Commissioner may issue rulings governing the schedule and other procedural matters.
Proceeding Number: Please enter a proceeding number WITHOUT periods (.)
or dashes (-). Example: R9901021
Date Range: is the date that the document was published. For certain older
documents this date will not be close to the date it was actually issued. (There
will be many older documents that will show a published date around late June
through early July as we add certain selected older documents.)