We award WEC $262,578.00, as set forth below:
Advocate/Expert Capacity Hour/Rate13 Total14
James Weil Policy 19.6/$250 $ 5,954.63
Lon House Primary witness/Advocate 658.1/$260 $188,582.10
Vernon Masayesva Black Mesa Trust $175 $ 9,705.65
Jerry Honawa Hopi 6/$50 $ 300.00
Leonard Selestewa Hopi 43.75/$50 $ 2,187.50
Tanya Lee Black Mesa Trust 30.9/$150 $ 4,635.00
Nicole Horseherder Navajo/To Nizhoni Ani 364/$150 $ 41,079.52
Marshall Johnson Navajo/To Nizhoni Ani 283/$50 $ 10,133.60
Total $262,578.00
Consistent with previous Commission decisions, we will order that interest be paid on the award amount15commencing the 75th day after WEC filed its compensation request and continuing until full payment of the award is made.
We remind all intervenors that Commission staff may audit their records related to this award, and that intervenors must make and retain adequate accounting and other documentation to support all claims for intervenor compensation. WEC's records should identify specific issues for which it requested compensation, the actual time spent by each employee, the applicable hourly rate, fees paid to consultants, and any other costs for which compensation was claimed.
13 Professional time only at full hourly rate. 14 In addition to professional time, claim includes claim preparation and travel at 50% hourly rate plus expenses. 15 At the rate earned on prime, three-month commercial paper, as reported in Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15.