Application of PacifiCorp (U 901-E) and MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company for Exemption Under Section 853(b) from the Approval Requirements of Section 854(a) of the Public Utilities Code With Respect to the Acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican.


    A. 05-07-010


1 It is possible that upon further review a particular investment might not be cost-effective or optimal for customers. If that should occur, MEHC pledges to propose an alternative to the Commission with a comparable benefit. The Commission may investigate the reasonableness of any determination by MEHC/PacifiCorp that one or more of the identified transmission investments is not cost-effective or optimal for customers.

67 All references to the Oregon Settlement refer to the contents of the Oregon Settlement that was filed and served by the Applicants on January 5, 2006.

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