6. Service List

The Executive Director shall serve copies of this rulemaking on respondents to this proceeding. In addition, the Executive Director shall serve copies of this rulemaking on all LSEs listed on the Commission's official records, the CEC, the CAISO, and the service lists for R.07-01-041 (Demand Response), R.06-04-010 (Energy Efficiency), R.08-02-007 (Procurement Rulemaking), R.05-12-013 (Long Term Resource Adequacy Rulemaking), R.08-04-012 (Planning Reserve Margin Rulemaking), and A.08-07-021 et al. (Energy Efficiency Program Plans). The temporary service list, which includes the entities referenced in this paragraph (and Ordering Paragraph 5) is appended as Attachment C to this OIR and should be used for service of all pleadings until a service list for this proceeding is established. Such service does not confer party status in this proceeding upon any person or entity, and does not result in that person or entity being placed on the service list for this proceeding.

The following procedures regarding party status and inclusion on the service list shall be followed. While all respondents identified in the OIR will be bound by the outcome of this proceeding, only those who notify us that they wish to be on the service list will be accorded service by others until final rules are proposed and/or a final decision issued.

We invite broad participation in this proceeding. All persons or entities seeking to be added to the service list, including respondents, should inform the Commission's Process Office no later than 20 days after the issuance date of this rulemaking via email (Process_Office@cpuc.ca.gov) or by postal mail (Process Office, California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102). To be included on the service list for this proceeding, the request to the Process Office must include pertinent information such as:

· Name and party represented, if any

· Address

· Telephone number

· Email address

· Request for party, state service or information only status.12

The service list will be posted on the Commission's website at www.cpuc.ca.gov. Parties should ensure they are using the most up-to-date service list by checking the Commission's website prior to each service/filing date.13

Those seeking party status through either method status shall comply with Rule 1.4 (b).14

We encourage electronic filing in this proceeding. Electronic filings should be made according to Rule 1.10 and Resolution ALJ-188. Consistent with those rules, a hard copy of all pleadings shall be concurrently served on the assigned ALJ.

The Commission notes that the CAISO and the CEC could play important roles in the design, implementation, and ongoing operation of a smart grid system. We therefore invite and welcome the active participation of the CAISO and the CEC in this rulemaking, as close and careful coordination of the activities of the CEC and CAISO and those of this Commission is indispensable to the success of a smart grid system.

12 Party status is for those planning to actively participate in this rulemaking through, at a minimum, submission of written comments on the questions raised in the Preliminary Scoping Memo. State service status is for employees of the State of California who will not be submitting comments. Information Only status is for those who wish to follow the proceeding and receive documents associated with it, but who will not be actively participating.

13 In addition, pursuant to Rule 1.4 (a), persons and entities seeking party status may (a) file a response to this rulemaking; or (b) file a motion to become a party at a later date. If you do not provide your information to Process Office in advance of filing a response, you will not receive service of responses by parties.

14 Rule 1.4(b) states that those seeking party status shall "(1) fully disclose the persons or entities in whose behalf the filing, appearance or motion is made, and the interest of such persons or entities in the proceeding; and (2) show that the contentions will be reasonably pertinent to the issues already presented."

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