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Telecommunications Division


Public Programs Branch

May 25, 2006


Resolution T-17002. Adopting Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines for Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation and Requirements for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers



In February 2006 the Federal Communications Commission issued Report and Order (FCC 05-46) in the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service (CC Docket No. 96-45) encouraging states to adopt additional requirements for eligible telecommunication carrier (ETC) designations and strengthen reporting requirements for ETCs "in order to ensure that high-cost universal service support continues to be used for its intended purposes." This resolution amends the procedures and guidelines for ETCs designation set forth by the Commission in Resolution T-16086. Likewise, this resolution revises the reporting requirements for ETCs eligible to receive federal high-cost support adopted in Resolution T-16830 dated May 6, 2004. Resolutions T-16086 and T-16830 are superseded by this Resolution as of July 1, 2006. The Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines for ETC Designation, attached as Appendix A, and the Comprehensive Reporting Requirements for ETCs Eligible to Receive Federal High-Cost Support, attached as Appendix B, are adopted and shall take effect on July 1, 2006.


Resolution T-16086 established procedures and guidelines for designating ETCs pursuant to FCC 97-157. Resolution T-16830 established the reporting requirements for ETCs eligible to receive federal universal high-cost support pursuant to FCC 03-249.

In FCC 05-46 dated February 25, 2005, the FCC adopted additional mandatory requirements for ETC designation and ETC reporting requirements for federal universal high-cost support.1 In the same order, the FCC encouraged states that exercise jurisdiction over ETC designations pursuant to section (214 (e) (2) of the Communications Act, to adopt these requirements.2


The CPUC has asserted jurisdiction over ETC designations in California. CPUC finds that additional mandatory requirements for ETC designation and ETC eligibility reasonable as it provides a means to monitor and ensure that any funds given to California ETCs are used to achieve the goals of universal service.3

Therefore, we revise our existing rules and adopt:

· Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines for ETC Designation, attached as Appendix A; and

· Comprehensive Reporting Requirements for ETCs Eligible to Receive Federal High-Cost Support, attached as Appendix B

The Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines for ETC Designation, attached as Appendix A and the Comprehensive Reporting Requirements for ETCs Eligible to Receive Federal High-Cost Support, attached as Appendix B, shall take effect on July 1, 2006.

This resolution supersedes Resolutions T-16086 and T-16830 as of July 1, 2006.

I. Procedures and Guidelines for Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation

In Resolution T-16086, the Commission established procedures and guidelines for designating ETCs pursuant to FCC 97-157. FCC 05-46 expanded the FCC ETC designation requirements to include submissions relating to:

The Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines for ETC Designation, attached as Appendix A, include existing procedures and guidelines for designating ETCs set forth in Resolution T-16086, and additional submissions based on FCC 05-46.

II. Reporting Requirements for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers Eligible to Receive Federal High-Cost Support

In Resolution T-16830, the Commission adopted reporting requirements for rural and non-rural Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECS) and competitive ETCs providing basic exchange access lines in the service areas of the rural and non-rural ILECS eligible for federal high-cost support pursuant to FCC 03-249. FCC 05-46 expanded the reporting requirement to include:

The Comprehensive Reporting Requirements for ETCs Eligible to Receive Federal High-Cost Support, attached as Appendix B, include existing requirements set forth in Resolution T-16830 and additional requirements based on FCC 05-46.

Existing ETCs, who have been designated prior to the effective date of this resolution, are required to comply with the new reporting requirements listed in Appendix A, Section II, when these carriers file advice letters certifying to their eligibility to receive federal high-cost support seeking federal universal high-cost support on or before September 15, 2006. This filing shall serve as baseline data for future advice letter filings made by these ETCs. Annually, thereafter, these ETCs are to comply with the reporting requirements as listed in Appendix B, Section II, of this resolution.

III. Minor Procedural Change

A. Procedures

For simplicity, uniformity and ease of implementation, all ETCs, whether, rural or non-rural, are required to include in their annual advice letter filing the current basic residential service rates, excluding Extended Area Service, in the areas they serve as well as attach the required reports enumerated above as shown in the Appendix B, Section III.

It is stressed that carriers' books are subject to Commission audit and inspection at any time to ensure that the funds are used as certified. If a carrier eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support fails to file the advice letter in a timely manner, the Commission is not responsible for any loss of support due to the Commission's filing of the certification with the FCC and the USAC at a later date.


The requirement for CMRS carriers to indicate in their self-certification letters how Lifeline and Link Up rate reductions will be passed on through to qualifying low-income customers (Ordering Paragraph 3(f) of Resolution T-16086) is deleted from this new procedure. Pursuant to Section 54.401 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, ETCs requesting for FCC support under Tier 2 ($1.75 per customer per month) have to certify to the Universal Service Fund (USF) administrator that it will pass through this entire amount to the qualifying low-income customer.


In compliance with PU Code § 311 (g), a notice letters was e-mailed on March 14, 2006 to all telecommunications carriers, the California High Cost Fund A - Administrative Committee, and the parties of record in R.01-08-002 and A.99-09-044 informing these parties that this draft resolution is available at the Commission's website http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/static/documents/index.htm and is available for public comments. In addition, the Telecommunications Division (TD) informed these parties of the availability of the conformed resolution at the same website.

Their comments are as follows:

We agree with comment 1. Although states are only encouraged to adopt the new FCC standards, CPUC finds the new standards based on the FCC standards to be reasonable and in keeping with CPUC's thrust to ensure that all public support received, whether from the federal or state government, is used for the purpose for which the support is given. We have modified the Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines for ETC Designation and the Comprehensive Reporting Requirements for ETCs Eligible to Receive Federal High-Cost Support to reduce the amount of information required and avoid duplication with other CPUC reporting requirements. The goal is to require information from each ETC sufficient for the CPUC to determine if it should certify to the FCC that the ETC uses federal high-cost support only for the intended purposes under law, and to determine how the funds benefit customers in California. We determined that we could make such a determination with less information on many topics than the FCC requires of companies it certifies.

We do not agree with comment 2. G.O. 133-B requires carriers to submit various reports summarizing past activities but not a forward- looking improvement plan. Therefore, we will require the submission of a two-year service quality improvement plan by all designated ETCs. These filings shall serve as baseline data for future advice letter filings made by these ETCs. The two-year plan is a projection of the remainder of the current year and the upcoming year, which is not covered by G. O. 133-B. However, if a designated ETC submitted a five-year plan in a General Rate Case4 (GRC) application that has been approved by the Commission and is still in effect, the carrier may refer to its GRC filing and submit a progress report on the plan covered by the GRC.

We recognize that the majority of the federal universal service support received by ETCs is based on the ETC's investment and expenses. Thus, the report must provide a description of investments made and expenses paid with support from the federal high-cost fund.

In addition, the two-year service quality improvement plan will include: the ETC's projected operating expense requirements for the current and following year; a certification that the investments made and expenses paid will be incurred to maintain and provide telecommunication services to any customer requesting service in ETC's service area; a description of any capital improvements planned including whether the funds for the improvements are from operating expenses, grants, or loaned funds from the Rural Utilities Service or some other government or private institution; and a description of the benefits to consumers that resulted from the investments and expenses reported pursuant to this requirement.

We agree with comment 3 in that the ETCs should not submit reports that they have submitted during the year. However, the small LECs reference to Customer Trouble Report as required under G. O. 133-B does not satisfy the outage report requirement. The outage report is equivalent to the Major Service Interruptions Report required by CPUC for submission in accordance with a memorandum issued by CPUC on October 5, 1977. Therefore, we revise Appendix B, Section II, B and C of the reporting requirement as follows:

B. Detailed information on outages in the ETC's network caused by emergencies, including the date and time of onset of the outage, a brief description of the outage and its resolution, the particular services affected by the outage, the geographic areas affected by the outage, and steps taken to prevent a similar outage situation in the future. If an ETC has submitted a Major Service Interruptions Report in accordance with CPUC Memorandum dated October 5, 1977 (attached as Appendix B, Section IV), the ETC need not submit the same report. However, in their self-certification letter, the ETC should cite the date(s) of submission of the report; and

C. Information on the number of unfulfilled requests for service from potential customers for the past year and the number of complaints per 1,000 handsets or lines. If an ETC has submitted the Held Primary Service Order and Customer Trouble Reports in accordance with Sections 3.1 and 3.3 of G. O. 133-B, the ETC need not submit the same reports. However, in their self-certification letter, the ETC should cite the date(s) of submission of the reports.

We disagree with comment 4. For designated ETCs the map required is not a coverage map but a map detailing progress towards meeting the ETCs plan targets, an explanation of how much universal service support was received and how the support was used to improve signal quality, coverage, or capacity; and an explanation regarding any network improvement targets that have not been fulfilled. Since this requirement is already covered in Section II-A of Appendix B, Section II. D of Appendix B of the draft resolution is deleted. Likewise, for the same reason, Section II.E of Appendix B of the draft resolution is deleted. Further, an ETC that does not plan changes in its service area does not need to refile its existing service area map, but should cite the date(s) of submission of the maps.

Pacific Bell d/b/a AT & T California, filed comments on March 29, 2006, supporting the proposed procedures and guidelines for designating ETCs as they incorporate the new requirements identified in FCC Report and Order 05-46. However, AT & T recommends that the Commission include a determination that the ETC designation is consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. We agree with Pacific Bell's comments. We, therefore, require all ETC applicants requesting ETC designation in areas below the study area level of rural incumbent LECs to show that there is no creamskimming.5 ETC applicants are required to include in their advice letter a public interest determination demonstrating: how the designation will increase consumer choices, the advantages and disadvantages of the ETC applicant's service offering and absence of creamskimming. Thus, we have included Public Interest Determination in the Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines for Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation (Section II. G of Appendix A).


1. The Commission is responsible for designating Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETCs) in California.

2. Carriers should satisfy the criteria established by Section 214(e) of the Act and set forth in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules in order to be designated as ETC.

3. The FCC has adopted additional eligibility and reporting requirements for carriers seeking ETC designation and carriers already designated as ETCs in Federal Report and Order FCC 05-46 adopted on February 25, 2006.

4. The Commission should adopt the additional eligibility and reporting requirements by consolidating the previous eligibility and reporting requirements prescribed in Resolutions T-16086 and 16830 in a new Resolution, which will supersede Resolutions T-16086 and 16830.

5. The new comprehensive procedures and guidelines for ETC Designation, attached as Appendix A, and the new Comprehensive Reporting Requirements for ETCs to receive Federal High-Cost Support, attached as Appendix B, should be adopted and should take effect on July 1, 2006.

6. A notice letter was e-mailed on March 14, 2006 to all telecommunications carriers, the California High Cost Fund-A Administrative Committee, and the parties of record in R.01-08-002 and A.99-09-044 informing these parties that this draft resolution is available at the Commission's website http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/static/documents/index.htm and is available for public comments. In addition, the Telecommunications Division (TD) informed these parties of the availability of the conformed resolution at the same website.

7. On March 29, 2005, Calaveras, Cal-Ore, Ducor, Foresthill, Global Valley, Happy Valley, Hornitos, Kerman, Pinnacles, Ponderosa, Sierra, Siskiyou, Volcano and Winterhaven filed joint comments and SureWest filed comments recommending changes to the reporting requirements. Their comments are as follows:

8. Pacific Bell d/b/a/ AT & T California , filed comments on March 29, 2006, supporting the proposed procedures and guidelines for designating ETCs as they incorporate the new requirements identified in FCC Report and Order 05-46. However, AT & T recommends that the Commission include a determination that the ETC designation is consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity.

9. CPUC agrees with the comments of the small LECs and SureWest as far as reporting unfilled requests and has made the necessary revision in this resolution.

10. CPUC agrees with Pacific Bell's comments and has included Public Interest Determination as a required submission for ETC applicants.


1. Effective July 1, 2006, carriers seeking Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation must comply with the comprehensive procedures and guidelines for ETC Designation, attached as Appendix A, and the Comprehensive Reporting Requirements for ETCs to receive Federal High-Cost Support, attached as Appendix B.

2. Existing ETCs, who have been designated prior to the effective date of this resolution, are required to comply with the new reporting requirements listed in Appendix A, Section II, when these carriers file advice letters certifying to their eligibility to receive federal high-cost support seeking federal universal high-cost support on or before September 15, 2006. The two - year service quality improvement plan to be submitted by existing carriers shall serve as baseline data for future advice letter filings. Annually, thereafter, these ETCs are to comply with the reporting requirements as listed in Appendix B, Section II, of this resolution. However, if a designated ETC submitted a five-year plan in a GRC application that has been approved by the Commission and is still in effect, the carrier may refer to its GRC filing and submit a progress report on the plan covered by the GRC.

This Resolution is effective today.

I hereby certify that this Resolution was adopted by the Public Utilities Commission at its regular meeting on May 25, 2006. The following Commissioners approved it:

Appendix A

Comprehensive Procedures and Guidelines


Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation

Each telecommunications carrier seeking eligible telecommunications carrier designation must file an advice letter with the Commission with the following information:

Section I - Compliance with FCC 97-157

A) The service areas for which the carrier is requesting ETC designation including a List of Geographic Service Areas and a map in .shp format showing the proposed service area. For wireless petitioners, the map should identify the location of cell sites and shade the area where the carrier provides commercial mobile radio service or similar service.

B) An itemized list of the designated services to be provided, i.e.

C) A list of any services which the carrier proposes not to provide and for which the carrier is seeking an extension of time.

D) An indication of whether the carrier plans to apply for a waiver of the requirement that an ETC not disconnect lifeline for non-payment of toll.

E) A description of the carrier's advertising plan, indicating the advertising media to be used, and an explanation of how its plan meets the advertising requirement in section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act.

F) If necessary, implement tariff changes via the advice letter filing process. This provision would not apply to carriers that are not required to maintain tariffs.

G) If applicable, request additional time to perform network upgrades to provide single-party service, access to E911 service, and/or toll limitation to low income customers.

Section II - Compliance with FCC 05-46

A) Commitment to Provide Service

B) Submission of Two-Year Service Quality Improvement Plan

1) a description of any plan for investment to be made or expenses to be incurred which will improve or permit the offering of services that are the subject of reporting requirements in FCC Form 477 (the form and instructions may be accessed at: http://www.fcc.gov/formpage.html#477);

2) a description of investments made and expenses paid with support from the high-cost fund;

3) the projected start date and projected completion date for each improvement and the estimated amount of investment for each project;

4) the specific geographic areas where the improvements will be made;

Carriers should provide this information for each wire center in each service area for which they expect to receive universal service support. Service quality improvements in the two-year plan do not necessarily require additional construction of network facilities.

C) Ability to Remain Functional

In order to be designated as an ETC, the carrier must demonstrate that it has back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source, is able to reroute traffic around damaged facilities, and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations.

D) Consumer Protection

The carrier seeking ETC designation should demonstrate its commitment to meet consumer protection and service quality standards in its application. Thus, an ETC applicant should report information on consumer complaints per 1,000 handsets or lines on an annual basis. Likewise, a carrier should commit to serve the entire service area and provide two-year network improvement plans addressing each wire center for which it expects to receive support.

E) Local Usage

The carrier should be able to demonstrate that it offers a local usage plan comparable to the one offered by the incumbent LEC in the service areas for which the carrier seeks designation.

F) Equal Access

The carrier should be able to provide equal access if all other ETCs in the service area relinquish their designations pursuant to section 214 (e) (4) of the Act.

G) Public Interest Determination


Comprehensive Reporting Requirements


Eligible Telecommunications Carriers

Eligible for Federal High-Cost Support

Each telecommunications carrier eligible for federal universal service high-cost support must file an advice letter with the Commission with the following information:

Section I - Compliance with FCC 03-249

Section II - Compliance with FCC 05-46

A. A two-year service quality improvement plan, including, as appropriate, maps detailing progress towards meeting its prior two-year improvement plan, explanations of how much universal service support was received and how the support was used to improve service quality in each wire center for which designation was obtained, and an explanation of why network improvement targets, if any, have not been met. If a designated ETC has submitted a five-year plan in a GRC application that has been approved by the Commission and is still in effect, the carrier may refer to its GRC filing and submit a progress report on the plan covered by the GRC.

B. Detailed information on outages in the ETC's network caused by emergencies, including the date and time of onset of the outage, a brief description of the outage, the particular services affected by the outage, the geographic areas affected by the outage, and steps taken to prevent a similar outage situation in the future. If an ETC has submitted a Major Service Interruptions report in accordance with CPUC Memorandum dated October 5, 1977, the ETC need not submit the same report. However, in their self-certification letter, the ETC should cite the date(s) of submission of the report; and

C. Information on the number of unfulfilled requests for service from potential customers for the past year and the number of complaints per 1,000 handsets or lines. If an ETC has submitted the Held Primary Service Order and Customer Trouble Reports in accordance with Sections 3.1 and 3.3 of G. O. 133-B, the ETC need not submit the same reports. However, in their self-certification letter, the ETC should cite the date(s) of submission of the reports.

Section III - Sample Advice Letter



Advice Letter No.

Director, Telecommunications Division

California Public Utilities Commission

505 Van Ness Ave.

San Francisco, CA 94102

Re: Self-Certification of Eligibility to Receive Federal Universal Service Support in Compliance with Resolution T-17002

Dear Sir:

This advice letter is a compliance filing in accordance with Resolution T-17002. The purpose of this letter is to provide the California Public Utilities Commission with the following sworn statement:

[Name of Company], [Study Area Code] is a [carrier type designated by the Federal Communications Commission] eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support pursuant to [applicable Code of Federal Regulations citation].

The current basic residential rate(s) excluding Extended Area Service (EAS) in [Name of Company]'s service area is/are [amount].

On behalf of [Name of Company], the undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that federal high-cost support received by [Name of Company] will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended.

Attachments: 1. Two -Year Service Quality Improvement Plan (to be submitted by existing ETCs in accordance with Section I.C. of Appendix B and Ordering Paragraph 2 of Resolution 17002)

Section IV- Major Service Interruptions Memo

1 Section 214 (e) (6) directs the FCC to designate carriers when those carriers are not subject to the jurisdiction of a state commission.

2 Section 214 (e) (2) provides state commissions with the primary responsibility for designating ETCs.

3 In the FCC Report and Order, the FCC did not adopt the Joint Board's recommendation that an ETC applicant demonstrate that it has the financial resources and ability to provide quality services throughout the designated service area. Similarly, CPUC does not adopt this criterion in evaluating ETC applications since CPUC already applies this criterion in evaluating applications for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN). CPUC, in granting a CPCN, requires the carrier applicant to submit an application, submitting among others, the carrier's financial statement (Rule 17 of the CPUC Rules of Practice and Procedure). Likewise, under Appendix A, 4.B.1. of Decision 95-07-054, all new applicants seeking CPCNs are required to demonstrate that they have adequate financial resources - $100,000 for facilities based CLCs and $25,000 for non-facilities based CLCs.

4 The filing of a General Rate Case is in accordance with guidelines adopted in D.88-07-022, as modified in D.91-09-072, Appendix of D.91-09-042 - Implementation of the California Intrastate High Cost Fund.

5 FCC Order 05-46, Paragraph 49, in the matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service (CC Docket No. 96-45).

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