Pacific Bell Telephone Company: Pacific Bell is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of California. Pacific Bell has authority to operate as a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC), providing local exchange telephone services to California consumers within Pacific Bell's local service area. The assigned utility number for Pacific Bell Telephone Company is U-1001-C.4 Pacific Bell is a subsidiary of SBC Communications, Inc. On September 17, 1998, Pacific Bell received approval from the Commission in Resolution T-16191 to provide Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) services to California consumers.5
Pacific Bell Internet Services: Pacific Bell Internet Services is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of California. Pacific Bell Internet Services is a subsidiary of Pacific Bell. Consumers who ordered Pacific Bell's ADSL and chose Pacific Bell Internet Services as their Internet Service Provider (ISP) were billed the associated fee for Internet access on their regular monthly Pacific Bell telephone billing statement under the heading "Pacific Bell Internet Services."
SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc.: SBC-ASI is a Delaware corporation; its business offices are in Houston, Texas. The assigned utility number for SBC-ASI is U-6346-C. SBC-ASI was registered with the California Secretary of State in August 1999. SBC-ASI is a subsidiary of SBC Communications, Inc., and an affiliate of Pacific Bell. On October 15, 1999, SBC-ASI filed A.99-10-009 seeking authority to operate in California as a Non-Dominant Inter Exchange Carrier, and to provide ADSL, DSL, and other advanced services to California customers. A.99-10-009 was later amended to include a request for authority to operate as a Competitive Local Carrier. On May 4, 2000, the Commission approved SBC-ASI's application in D.00-05-021. In June 2000, provision and billing of DSL was transitioned from Pacific Bell to SBC-ASI. In D.00-05-021, the Commission granted SBC-ASI a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) to operate as a facilities-based provider of competitive local exchange and intraLATA interexchange services.
4 Pacific Bell Telephone also has authority from this Commission to operate as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier in the serving territories of Verizon, California Inc., Citizens Telephone Company and Roseville Telephone Company. (See D.97-09-115 and D.98-01-024.) 5 Apparently, Pacific Bell provides only ADSL service but it is sometimes referred to as "DSL" service.