26. Petition for Modification of Decision 07-07-027 by Sustainable Conservation - Denied

On June 29, 2011, Sustainable Conservation filed a petition for modification of D.07-07-027. Sustainable Conservation's petition requests that the Commission do as follows: (1) direct the utilities to use the Tariff Rule 21 for customers that interconnect to the distribution system; (2) assert jurisdiction over the distribution-level power lines of California's electric utilities; and (3) modify D.07-07-027 to strike language giving utilities the discretion to require either Tariff Rule 21 or FERC interconnection procedures.

SCE and PG&E responded in opposition to the petition for modification due to the timing of the filing, since the petition was filed more than a year after D.07-07-027. SCE and PG&E also opposed the substance of the petition. IREC and Independent Energy Producers supported the petition's request that the Commission address the general interconnection issues raised in the petition.

The issues framed by Sustainable Conservation's petition for modification are addressed in today's decision or will be addressed in the separate, ongoing rulemaking before the Commission, R.11-09-011. We expect that the first two issues raised by the petition will be addressed, to the extent necessary, in R.11-09-011. Today's decision addresses the third issue raised in the petition. Specifically, today's decision directs the utilities to give generators a choice of which interconnection procedures to use, either the Tariff Rule 21 or the FERC interconnection tariffs.

Therefore, because the issues framed by Sustainable Conservation's petition for modification are addressed in today's decision or will be addressed in R.11-09-011, the petition is denied.

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