Word Document

Decision 00-03-037 March 13, 2000


In the Matter of the Application of Xe Do Hoang Transportation, LLC to operate an on-call, inter-city, passenger stage and baggage express service between points in Orange, Los Angeles and Santa Clara Counties, described in the body of the application pursuant to Section 1031, et seq., of the California Public Utilities (PU) Code, on the one hand, and to establish a Zone of Rate Freedom under Section 454.2, et seq., of the PU Code, on the other hand.

Application 99-09-032

(Filed September 13, 1999)


Decision (D.) 99-12-011 granted Xe Do Hoang Transportation, LLC (Applicant), a limited liability company, a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a passenger stage corporation, as defined in Section 226 of the Public Utilities Code. The certificate, as granted, authorizes the transportation of passengers and their baggage between the City of San Jose and certain Southern California points.

Applicant has brought to our attention the omission from its certificate of authority to transport unaccompanied baggage and express as part of its passenger stage operation. Applicant had requested such authority in its application, which was uncontested.

This inadvertent omission needs to be corrected by modifying Ordering Paragraph 1 and Appendix PSC-12777 of D.99-12-011. Therefore, pursuant to Resolution A-4661,


1. Ordering Paragraph 1 of Decision (D.) 99-12-011 is amended and replaced with:

2. Appendix PSC-12777 of D.99-12-011 is amended by replacing Original Page 2 with First Revised Page 2.

3. Applicant shall file a written acceptance of the amended certificate within 30 days after this order is effective.

This order is effective today.

Dated March 13, 2000, at San Francisco, California.


Appendix PSC-12777 Xe Do Hoang Transportation, LLC First Revised Page 2



Xe Do Hoang Transportation, LLC, a limited liability company, by the certificate of public convenience and necessity granted by the decision noted in the foot of the margin, is authorized to transport passengers and their baggage and *unaccompanied baggage and express between points and places as described in Section IIA, and points and places described in Section IIB, over and along the route described in Section III, subject however, to the authority of this Commission to change or modify this authority at any time and subject to the following provisions:

a. When a route description is given in one direction, it applies to operation in either direction unless otherwise indicated.

b. The term "on-call", as used, refers to service which is authorized to be rendered dependent on the demands of passengers. The tariffs and timetables shall show the conditions under which each authorized on-call service will be rendered.

c. No passengers shall be transported except those having a point of origin or destination as described in Section IIA.

d. This certificate does not authorize the holder to conduct any operation on the property of or into any airport unless such operation is authorized by the airport authority involved.

*e. The transportation of unaccompanied baggage and express shall be on passenger carrying vehicles, and shall be incidental to the transportation of passengers, and limited to a weight of not more than one hundred (100) pounds per shipment.

Issued by California Public Utilities Commission.

*Revised by Decision 00-03-037, Application 99-09-032.

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