A. Use of Bond Proceeds

    i. Position of the Parties

B. Timing of Energy Recovery Bonds

    i. Position of the Parties

C. Energy Supplier Refunds

    i. Position of the Parties

D. Public Notice and Comment on Bond-Related Advice Letters

    i. Position of the Parties

E. Recovery of Bond Charges from New Municipal Load and BART

    i. Position of the Parties

F. Recovery of Bond Charges from Departing Load

    i. Position of the Parties

G. Rate Decrease for CARE and Residential Consumers

    i. Position of the Parties

65 PG&E Supplement filed on September 8, 2004.

66 Sections 848(d), 848(g)(i), and 848.1(a).

67 Sections 848(d), 848(e), and 848.1(a) - (d).

68 SB 772, § 11.

69 SB 772, § 11(f).

70 SB 772, § 11(c), emphasis added.

71 D.03-12-035, mimeo., p. 26.

72 Section 848.1(e).

73 Once Recovery Property is established pursuant to an Issuance Advice Letter, it shall not be adjusted in response to protests to the Advice Letter because the existence of Recovery Property must be firmly established prior to the issuance of the associated Energy Recovery Bonds. Any errors or irregularities regarding the amount of established Recovery Property may be corrected through the DRC, the ERBBA charge, or other appropriate mechanism.

74 Section 848.1(g) limits the scope of the adjustments that the Commission can make to PG&E's Bond Charges.

75 SB 1201, 2004, Stats., ch. 613, was signed by the Governor on September 21, 2004, which was more than three months after SB 772 was signed. SB 1201 allows BART to receive power from local publicly owned electric utilities on the same terms as federal preference power authorized by Chapter 206 of the Statutes of 1998.

76 D.03-08-076, mimeo., pp. 1 , 18, and 32.

77 For Customer Generation DL, see Advice Letter 2375-E. For Municipal DL, see Advice Letter 2433-E. For New Municipal DL, see Advice Letter 2483-E. These Advice Letters address the determination of the DL that will be subject to the bankruptcy Regulatory Asset.

78 D.04-02-062, p. 6 and pp. 14-15, Conclusions of Law 5 and 8.

79 Sections 848.1(b) - (d).

80 The CARE program provides subsidized electric service to low income households.

81 Residential Tier 1 and Tier 2 rates encompass usage up to 130% of baseline.

82 Water Code Section 80110 prohibits increases in the total charges for residential usage up to 130 percent of baseline.

83 A.04-06-024. In D.04-02-062, the overall rate increase for the residential class was determined first, and that full amount was then applied exclusively to Tiers 3 and 4. Therefore, consistent with D.04-02-062, the full amount of the Bond-related decrease for the residential class will be applied exclusively to Tiers 3 and 4 (the same does not apply with respect to CARE and medical baseline usage).

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