Step 1: Amount of Debt on which the Fee is Owed


Energy Recovery Bonds Authorized by this Order


Less: Use of Bond Proceeds to Retire Long-Term Debt Authorized by D.02-11-030 and D.04-01-024 1


Less: Use of Bond Proceeds to Retire Common Stock Authorized by D.93-06-083 2


Net Debt Subject to Fee


Step 2: Computation of Fee


Fee on First $1 Million


Fee on $2 Million - $10 Million


Fee on $10 Million to $225 Million


Total Fee


Note 1: PG&E paid the Section 1904(b) fee pursuant to D.02-11-030 and D.03-04-035.

Note 2: PG&E paid the Section 1904(b) fee pursuant to D.93-06-083.

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