III. Income-Based Eligibility Requirements

The Lifeline/Link-Up Order added an income-based criterion for participation in Lifeline/Link-Up in federal default states, if the ETC customer's household income is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG).3 Each ETC must certify, under penalty of perjury, that a customer is qualified for Lifeline/Link-Up based on: 1) Customer self-certification, under penalty of perjury, of his/her qualification, and 2) Income document(s) supporting the income level of the customer.

ETCs in states that do not mandate state Lifeline support must implement certification procedures to document consumer income-based eligibility for Lifeline prior to that consumer's enrollment. Acceptable documentation of income eligibility includes:

The FCC requires all states, including federal default states, to adopt procedures to document income-based eligibility for Lifeline/Link-Up. However, states like California that operate their own Lifeline/Link-Up programs have the flexibility to develop their own certification procedures, including the determination of what constitutes acceptable documentation to certify consumer eligibility under an income-based criterion. However, a state's procedures must include the following elements:

3 The FCC stated that adding an income-based standard likely would capture some low-income customers who are not eligible for Lifeline/Link-Up because they no longer participate in the qualifying assistance program. 4 See ¶ 29 of the Lifeline/Link-Up Order. Unless otherwise indicated, all subsequent references to numbered paragraphs refer to the Lifeline/Link-Up Order. 5 See ¶ 32. 6 Ibid. 7 47 C.F.R. §54.410(b)(i). 8 See ¶ 33.

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