VI. Preliminary Scoping Memo

The Lifeline/Link-Up Order requires states to document the income eligibility of qualifying households. If the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) does not adopt the new federal certification guidelines, California could lose over $330 million of annual Federal Lifeline/Link-Up support. This OIR focuses primarily on the narrow issue of revising our income eligibility criteria to conform to the Lifeline/Link-Up Order in order to preserve the federal funding. To this end, we propose the following rule changes:12

To implement the above rule changes, we also propose that:

The FCC's Order specifies that a certifying agent is to be responsible for certifying customers' eligibility to participate in ULTS based on customers' self-certifications supported by income documents. As such, the certifying agent plays a crucial role in shaping ULTS enrollment. We believe that a single entity should perform the certification/verification functions statewide. This way we can ensure that proper documents are received, review of income documentation is consistent, customers' sensitive and personal data are kept confidential, and our rules and procedures are properly followed. Having a single certifying entity, under the direction of TD, would alleviate our concerns and minimize fraud and abuse of the program. Furthermore, this independent third-party arrangement would allow ULTS customers to move or to change service provider within California without re-certification. However, any party that believes that the carriers that provide ULTS service should serve as certifying agents should explain why they believe that approach is preferable to using an outside certifying entity.

In addition, we would like to explore the possibility of implementing automatic enrollment. Parties should explore the models adopted in other states, as well as other models.

In this OIR, we seek comments on the following:

We recognize that our proposed rule changes will likely result in excluding low-income households with no income documentation. Therefore, we also request parties to comment on how ULTS should serve low-income households that are unable to provide appropriate income verification.17

Parties that propose that ULTS should continue to provide assistance to low-income households that attest they would otherwise qualify but are unable to provide income documentation should provide the Commission with detailed proposals including an estimate of the cost of their proposed recommendation. Parties should also recommend safeguards that the Commission should implement to minimize fraud and abuse of the program. In their comments, parties should also identify the number of households that could be adversely affected by a policy that limits ULTS support to only those households that are able to provide the required income documentation.

12 The Telecommunications Division will be directed to revise General Order (GO) 153, Procedures for Administration of the Moore Universal Telephone Service Act, to reflect rule changes adopted in this rulemaking. TD will also be directed to conduct a working group to revise the comprehensive list of recoverable costs and required supporting worksheets due to these rule changes. 13 See ¶ 23. 14 Ibid. 15 Since participation in the ULTS program is based on income, recommended income documents should provide some proof of income. Parties should also consider recommended income documents for individuals living on tribal lands. 16 In paragraph 28 of the Lifeline/Link-Up Order, the FCC points out that "the Florida PSC [Public Service Commission] notes that California's Lifeline program, which utilizes self-certification of income-based eligibility, appears to have more households receiving the Lifeline discount than the Current Population Survey of Households data would indicate are eligible for the discount." 17 This may include children and/or parents domestically functioning as separate households and have no income, or undocumented immigrants.

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