IX. Official Service List

The assigned Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will establish the initial service list for this proceeding by ruling on or before January 3, 2005. We plan to disseminate this OIR to provide broad public notice. The Executive Director shall serve copies of the OIR on: respondents to this proceeding as described above; committee members of the ULTS Trust Administrative Committee, Telecommunications Access for the Deaf and Disabled Administrative Committee and the Low Income Oversight Board; parties on the service lists of R.98-09-005 (the ULTS/GO 153 OIR); I.04-02-007 (The VOIP proceeding); National Indian Justice Center; and Richard Heath & Associates, contractor for the ULTS Marketing/Outreach program and the ULTS Call Center. The Executive Director shall also serve electronically, a Notice of Availability20 of the OIR on jurisdictional telecommunications utilities, for which e-mail addresses are on file with the Commission, informing them that this OIR is available at:

http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/static/industry/telco/index.htm. For incumbent and competitive local exchange carriers whose e-mail addresses are not on file with the Commission, the Executive Director shall send those carriers, by regular mail, copies of the Notice of Availability of the OIR.

We invite broad participation and those who seek party status or wish to monitor this proceeding may do so by taking the steps described below:

The initial official service list will be posted on the Commission's website at www.cpuc.ca.gov and will be updated periodically. Parties should check the website before making subsequent filings.

20 See Rule 2.3 regarding service, generally, includes use of a Notice of Availability in lieu of service of documents. This provision applies to documents in excess of 75 pages but may also be used with the permission of the ALJ.

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