In this section, we summarize the key actions and submittals that we require by the Program Administrators to implement the MASH program. A complete description of MASH program requirements can be found in Appendix A.
· Within 60 days of this order, the Program Administrators shall jointly file an advice letter with proposed amendments to the CSI Handbook to incorporate the MASH program. The handbook should address Track 1 incentives and all elements of the MASH program necessary for implementation of Track 1.
· Within 90 days of this order, the Program Administrators shall jointly file an advice letter with a standardized statewide Track 2 application and review process as well as the handbook changes necessary to implement Track 2.
· Each Program Administrator shall submit to Energy Division, as part of its semi-annual administrative expense report under the general market CSI program, a semi-annual administrative expense report detailing MASH administrative expenditures incurred by category (i.e., marketing and outreach, evaluation, and other administration), with separate accounting from the general market CSI program. The report should also describe VNM implementation expenses. SDG&E shall submit its own administrative expense report describing VNM implementation expenses.
· Each Program Administrator shall augment its current CSI marketing plan filings, submitted to Energy Division every six months, to include MASH marketing and outreach budgets and plans. The MASH marketing plan should contain a description of the proposed budget and plans for marketing and outreach services and green job creation strategies, including the entities the Program Administrator expects to contract with and for what services.
· PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E shall each file an advice letter, within 120 days of this order, proposing a VNM tariff applicable to individually metered multifamily affordable housing properties that install a solar energy system through the MASH program. Each utility's VNM tariff must comply with § 2827 and Appendix B of this order.
· The Program Administrators shall submit semi-annual progress reports to the Director of Energy Division, as set forth in Appendix A.
· Each Program Administrator shall submit to an annual audit of program expenditures, to ensure program funds are paid to legitimate and verified installations of solar energy systems on qualifying affordable housing properties, as defined in § 2852, and that administrative funds, including funds to implement VNM, are spent in a reasonable and appropriate manner.