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SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298
April 24, 2012
The following draft Resolution will be on the Commission's May 24, 2012, meeting:
· Resolution T- 17363 Reinstatement of Operating Authorities by Consumer Telecom, Inc. (U-6984-C), Momentum Telecom, Inc. (U-7108-C), Vaya Telecom, Inc. (U-7122-C) and Central Telecom Long Distance, Inc. (U-7127-C).
This draft resolution is available at the Commission's website at http://www.cpuc.ca.gov and may be found by searching for Resolution T-17363. On May 24, 2012, the Commission may vote on this resolution or it may postpone votes until later. When the Commission votes on a draft resolution, it may adopt all or part of it as written, amend or modify it, or set it aside and prepare a different resolution. Only when the Commission acts does a resolution become binding on the parties. The conformed resolution, when adopted by the Commission, will be available at the same website.
Pursuant to Public Utilities (PU) Code 311 (g), the above-identified draft resolution is available for public comments. Comments should be focused on factual, legal, and/or technical errors in the draft resolution. Comments must be limited to five pages in length and shall include a subject index listing the recommendations to the draft resolution, a table of authorities, and an appendix setting forth the proposed revised findings and ordering paragraphs.
The date of submission is the date the comments are received by the Communications Division. Parties must serve a copy of their comments on each party set forth on the service list attached to the draft resolution on the same date that the comments are submitted to the Communications Division.
Comments must be received and served on parties (see attached list) no later than May 9, 2012 (which is 15 days including holidays from the date of the original April 24, 2012 mailing). Reply comments may be submitted on or before May 14, 2012 (5 days after opening comments are submitted) and shall be limited to identifying misrepresentations of law, fact, or condition of the record contained in the comments of other parties. Replies shall not exceed three pages in length and shall be submitted and served in the same manner as opening comments.
Late-filed opening comments and/or reply comments will ordinarily be rejected. However, in extraordinary circumstances, a request for leave to submit comments or replies late may be filed together with proposed comments/replies. An accompanying declaration under penalty of perjury shall be submitted setting forth all the reasons for the late submission.
Michael C. Amato, Interim Director
Communications Division
Service List:
I certify that I have, by email or regular mail, this day served a Notice of Availability informing all
telecommunications carriers of draft Resolution T-17363 for public comments and the availability of the conformed resolution on the same website. The documents can be located on the Commission's website http://www.cpuc.ca.gov.
April 24, 2012, at San Francisco, California
/s/ Irene Spiropoulos |
Irene Spiropoulos |
Parties should notify the Communications Division, California Public Utilities
Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102, of any
change of address to insure that they continue to receive documents. You must
indicate the Resolution number on the service list on which your name appears.