9. Becoming a Party: Joining and Using the Service List

PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE and all CPUC-jurisdictional entities as defined under Section 380 (j) shall be respondents to this proceeding and shall therefore be parties. These entities are listed in Appendix A. Within 15 days of mailing of this rulemaking, each respondent shall inform the Commission's Process Office of the contact information for a single representative, although other representatives and persons affiliated with the respondents may be placed on the Information Only service list.

We will provide for service of this order on the service list for R.10-05-006, the predecessor LTPP proceeding, as well as R.11-03-012 (GHG Auction Revenue), R.08-08-009 and R.11-05-005 (RPS), R.09-10-032 and R.11-10-023 (RA), R.09-11-014 (EE), R.07-01-041 (Demand Response), R.08-03-008 and R.10-05-004 (California Solar Initiative), R.10-12-007 (Energy Storage), and R.08-03-009/ I.08-03-010 (Renewable Transmission). Such service does not confer party status in this proceeding upon any person or entity, and does not result in that person or entity being placed on the service list for this proceeding. If you want to participate in the rulemaking or simply to monitor it, follow the procedures set forth below. To ensure you receive all documents, send your request within 30 days after the OIR is published. The Commission's Process Office will publish the official service list at the Commission's website (www.cpuc.ca.gov), and will update the list as necessary.

9.1. During the First 30 Days

Within 30 days of the service of this OIR, any person may ask to be added to the official service list. Send your request to the Process Office. You may use e-mail (Process_Office@cpuc.ca.gov) or letter (Process Office, California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102). Include the following information:

· Docket Number of this Rulemaking;

· Name (and party represented, if applicable);

· Postal Address;

· Telephone Number;

· E-mail Address; and

· Desired Status (Party, State Service, or Information Only).20

If the OIR names you as respondent, you are already a party, but you or your representative must still ask to be added to the official service list.

Party status will be granted to any party to R. 10-05-006 upon receipt of the above information.

9.2. After the First 30 Days

If you want to become a party after the first 30 days, you may do so by filing and serving timely comments in the rulemaking (Rule 1.4(a)(2)), or by making an oral motion at the PHC (Rule 1.4(a)(3)), or by filing a motion (Rule 1.4(a)(4)). If you file a motion, you must also comply with Rule 1.4(b). These rules are in the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, which you can read at the Commission's website.

If you want to be added to the official service list as a non-party (that is, as State Service or Information Only), follow the instructions in Section 9.1 above.

9.3. Updating Information

Once you are on the official service list, you must ensure that the information you have provided is up-to-date. To change your postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, or the name of your representative, send the change to the Process Office by letter or e-mail, and send a copy to everyone on the official service list.

9.4. Serving and Filing Documents

We anticipate that the Process Office will not publish the official service list before the first filing deadline in this Rulemaking. Until the official service list is published, the official service list for R.10-05-006 shall be used as the temporary official service list.

When you serve a document, use the official service list published at the Commission's website as of the date of service. You must comply with Rules 1.9 and 1.10 when you serve a document to be filed with the Commission's Docket Office. If you are a party to this Rulemaking, you must serve by e-mail any person (whether Party, State Service, or Information Only) on the official service list who has provided an e-mail address.

The Commission encourages electronic filing and e-mail service in this Rulemaking. You may find information about electronic filing at http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/efiling.

E-mail service is governed by Rule 1.10. The subject line for e-mail communications should include the proceeding number, and where the filing is related to a specific track, the track number for the filing. In addition, the party sending the e-mail should briefly describe the attached communication, for example, Brief. If you use e-mail service, you must also provide a paper copy to the assigned Commissioner and ALJ. The electronic copy should be in Microsoft Word or Excel formats to the extent possible. The paper copy should be double-sided. E-mail service of documents must occur no later than 5:00 p.m. on the date that service is scheduled to occur.

If you have questions about the Commission's filing and service procedures, contact the Docket Office.

20 If you want to file comments or otherwise actively participate, choose "Party" status. If you do not want to actively participate but want to follow events and filings as they occur, choose "State Service" status if you are an employee of the State of California; otherwise, choose "Information Only" status.

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