Joint applicants assert that the indirect acquisition of HyperCube by West will serve the best interests of the public. Joint Applicants assert that HyperCube is a leader in the market for competitive tandem service, enabling telecommunications and information service providers to route their traffic over an alternative network that offers more efficiency and reliability at a lower cost than traditional networks. Joint Applicants further assert that West is an established provider of high-quality voice and data solutions, through its subsidiaries, to enterprise customers in critical industries and that the financial, technical, and managerial resources that West will bring to HyperCube will further enhance HyperCube's ability to compete in the telecommunications and information services marketplace and to provide cost-effective alternatives to legacy carriers' service offerings.
Joint Applicants assert that, following the transfer of control, HyperCube's customers will continue to receive their existing services at the same rates, terms, and conditions that currently apply. Accordingly, the transaction will not result in any modifications to HyperCube's existing tariffs.
There is no evidence that the merger sought in this application will reduce competition and harm consumers.
For the above reasons, the transaction is in the public interest and we will grant the application pursuant to § 854.