· Use of best available information;

· Standardizing the process of freezing ex ante values for measures that can be frozen prior to start of a cycle; and

· Developing a clear, efficient process for freezing ex ante values for measures whose parameters cannot be frozen prior to the start of the cycle (primarily custom projects and non-DEER workpapers submitted mid-cycle).

We place these activities under the management of regulatory staff because they involve judgments that can influence either the development of performance targets or the measurement of program achievements. For example, in both DEER and Net-to-Gross ratio work, judgments need to be made about what specific energy savings numbers from which studies will be used to estimate energy savings for specific measures. Due to the conflict-of-interest concerns discussed above, the IOU Portfolio Managers would not be the appropriate entities to manage or directly contract for this type of work."455

We decline, however, to involve one or more policy advisory groups in this area of responsibility on a standing basis, as some parties propose. We find this approach to be far more structured and potentially cumbersome than we believe is necessary. In performing the Research and Analysis functions, Commission and CEC staff should have full flexibility to obtain input from various sources, including working groups of experts or hired consultants, as they deem appropriate to the circumstances."456

a. If Commission Staff agrees with the parameters included in a non-DEER workpaper for a new measure provided by an IOU, Commission Staff will communicate this to the IOU via email and upload it to the Workpaper Project Area on the http://www.deeresources.info website, and the workpaper will become effective on that date.

b. If Commission Staff disagrees with or needs more information regarding parameters included in a non-DEER workpaper, Commission Staff will recommend revised parameter values (or request additional information) within 25 days of receipt of a work paper with all necessary information provided by the utility.469

c. If the utility finds the revised parameter values unacceptable (and/or any subsequent information exchange does not resolve the disagreements in parameter values), Commission Staff and the IOU will hold one or more meetings to come to an agreement. If agreement on workpaper parameters is reached through this process, Commission Staff will upload the workpaper to the Workpaper Project Area on the http://www.deeresources.info website, and the workpaper will become effective on that date.

d. Every six months, and for each applicable IOU, Commission Staff will develop a draft resolution that identifies the disputed ex ante values proposed by the IOU for each non-DEER workpaper submitted during the previous six months that remains in dispute, along with Commission Staff's recommended adjustments and its rationale for those adjustments. The IOUs may articulate their disagreements with Commission Staff's proposed adjustments in their comments on the draft resolution, and the resolution will be subject to a Commission vote.

· Non-DEER measure ex ante values based upon 2010-2012 IOU workpapers shall be updated with the latest available information, including the Commission's 2006-2008 evaluation results.

· Non-DEER workpaper measures that are included in the 2013-2014 DEER update shall be retired in favor of the updated DEER values. Commission Staff with help from the utilities will identify which of the non-DEER workpaper measures are now in DEER and will be retired.

· Non-DEER workpapers that are based on DEER values or methods covered by the 2013-2014 DEER update or that include measures not covered by the 2013-2014 DEER update shall be updated, giving priority to High Impact Measures.

· If a large amount of non-DEER workpapers are received in the 2013-2014 portfolio applications, such that Commission Staff is unable to review them all in time for approval in the 2013-2014 portfolio applications, any workpapers that are not reviewed will receive "interim approval," and Commission Staff may review any of these in the future and apply any adjustments on a prospective basis.

· Commission Staff's review of "interim approval" workpapers or new workpapers submitted mid-cycle shall adhere to the Phase 2 workpaper review process, including the dispute resolution process described herein.


Claimed Gross Savings

Evaluated Gross Savings



























































Having start-stop program cycles, many of which contain the same programs cycle after cycle, seems wasteful, and having to review the entire program portfolio with every new cycle imposes heavy burdens on the Commission, parties, and program implementers.499

428 TURN opening comments on DEER at 3.

429 NRDC opening comments on DEER at 1.

430 PG&E opening comments on DEER at 16.

431 SCE reply comments on DEER at 8.

432 PGE, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at. 11.

433 NRDC, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 7.

434 Synergy Companies, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 5.

435 DRA, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 9-10.

436 DRA, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 10.

437 TURN, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 2.

438 SCE, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 7; NAESCO, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 4; NRDC, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 7; Efficiency Council, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 10; Ecology Action, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 14.

439 Efficiency Council, Reply Comments on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 7; NRDC, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 8.

440 Ecology Action, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 14.

441 SCE, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo, at 7; Ecology Action, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 2.

442 NRDC, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo, at 3; Ecology Action, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 14.

443 Synergy Companies, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 5.

444 Efficiency Council, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 7.

445 TURN, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 1.

446 NAESCO, Reply Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 4; SCE, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 14.

447 TURN opening comments on DEER at 2.

448 PG&E reply comments on DEER at 8.

449 SCE reply comments on DEER at 11.

450 NRDC opening comments on DEER at 2.

451 PG&E opening comments on DEER at 16; SCE reply comments on DEER at 10, respectively.

452 PG&E opening comments on DEER at 16.

453 PG&E opening comments on DEER at 20.

454 D.05-01-055, Section 5.3.2 at 120.

455 Ibid. at 121.

456 Ibid. at 122.

457 D.05-01-055, Section 5.3.2 at 128.

458 Ibid. at 130.

459 These changes are known at least one year ahead of their effective date.

460 http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2013standards/prerulemaking/.

461 Commission Staff should target two versions of DEER for our adoption late in 2013: first, the DEER update for use in 2014 reporting that incorporates changes to codes and standards effective by that time, and second, the DEER update to be used for 2015 and beyond planning.

462 PG&E comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 11-12.

463 Id. at 12-13.

464 Phase IV Scoping Memo at 14-15.

465 SCE reply comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 6.

466 PG&E Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 13-14.

467 SCE opening comments on DEER at 16.

468 Ecology Action reply comment on Phase IV Scoping Ruling at 4-5.

469 As set forth in the November 18, 2009, ALJ ruling in A.08-07-021, et al.

470 ALJ Ruling in A.08-07-021, (November 18, 2009).

471 D.09-09-047 Order Paragraph 4 states that, "Review of completed IOU workpapers regarding ex-ante savings estimates are subject to Commission Staff review and approval, as set forth in an ALJ Ruling of November 18, 2009 in Application 08-07-021, et al. Each IOU shall cooperate with Commission Staff to allow upfront consultation regarding such workpapers." Discussion in Section 5.2 (page 19) of that decision states that, "We will require the IOUs to cooperate and collaborate with ED in the development of these workpapers."

472 SDG&E opening comments on DEER at 3.

473 SCE opening comments on DEER at 12, 13.

474 Id. at 16.

475 PECI opening comments on DEER at 2.

476 SDG&E opening comments on DEER at 9.

477 PG&E, reply comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 5; NRDC, reply comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 6; EnerNOC, comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 9; SD&GE/SoCalGas, reply comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 4-5; NAESO, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 5-6); Trane, reply comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 4; Gary Gockel, comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 4.

478 SCE Comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 7.

479 Id..

480 EnerNOC, comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 10; SDG&E/SoCalGas reply comment on Programmatic Guidance Ruling at 5.

481 PG&E, Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 13.

482 See Ordering Paragraph 7 and Attachment B to D.11-07-039. The fact that it was only in February of 2012 that SCE started to provide the required custom projects summary list (for Commission Staff to select projects to review), makes SCE's strong critiques of the custom project ex ante process particularly puzzling.

483 2003 Statewide Nonresidential Standard Performance Contract (SPC) Program Measurement and Evaluation Study, for SCE, December 2005, at ES-1, reports a GRR for source BTU of 0.89 with a 90% confidence interval of 0.83 to 0.96.

484 2004-2005 Statewide Nonresidential Standard Performance Contract Program Measurement and Evaluation Study, Volume 1, for SCE, September 2008, at ES-2, reports a GRR for source BTU of 0.79 with a 90% confidence interval of 0.69 to 0.89.

485 See Section 5.3, 06-08 Final Evaluation Report for PG&E Fab, Process and Manufacturing Contract Group (Itron, February 2010), available at http://www.calmac.org (Study ID CPU0017.01).

486 SCE opening comments on ALJ Ruling regarding program guidance at 7-8.

487 See for example, City of Oakland, opening comments on Phase IV Scoping Ruling at 6, and NEESCO opening comments on ALJ Ruling regarding program guidance at 9.

488 Pool Solutions Group opening comments on ALJ Ruling regarding program guidance at 6.

489 SDG&E/SoCalGas opening comments on ALJ Ruling regarding program guidance at 6.

490 PG&E opening comments on DEER at 17.

491 D.11-07-030, Appendix I to Attachment B.

492 D.11-07-030 at 40.

493 Summary of EUL-RUL Analysis for the April 2008 Update to DEER, KEMA, at 2.

494 EEPMv4, Rule IV.2. and also footnote 9.

495 EEPMv4, Rule IV.4

496 EEPMv4, Rule II.4.

497 EEPMv4, Appendices, at 5, defines energy efficiency as "Activities or programs that stimulate customers to reduce customer energy use by making investments in more efficient equipment or controls that reduce energy use while maintaining a comparable level of service as perceived by the customer."

498 D.07-10-032 at 95-96.

499 Phase IV Scoping Memo at 3.

500 For purposes of this decision, "rolling" portfolio cycles refer to any set of reforms which obviate the need for arbitrary cycles of preparation, regulatory review, authorization, evaluation, and termination of the program portfolio in its entirety. "Evergreen" programs refer to a regulatory scheme in which programs would be authorized to continue, within specified certain parameters and under continuous evaluation and oversight, as long as they meet certain specified criteria.

501 SCE, NRDC, TURN, DRA, Efficiency Council, Commercial Energy California, EnerNoc, OPOWER, CCSF, and WEM support consideration of rolling portfolio cycles. SCE, TURN, Efficiency Council, Commercial Energy California, EnerNoc, OPOWER, LGSEC, and CCSF support the idea of, at least, some evergreen programs. CFC is concerned that these approaches could cause misalignment between the approval of funding and specific programs causing inefficient programs to continue without proper evaluation of success (CFC Comments on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 4).

502 TURN Comments on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 4-5.

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