1. Load forecasting and total market gross load impacts;

2. Use of data collected by Advanced Metering Infrastructure;

3. Macro consumption metrics; and

4. Additional evaluation issues.

· A description of the market, including identification of the relevant market actors and the relationships among them;

· A market characterization and assessment of the relationships/dynamics among market actors, including identification of the key barriers and opportunities to advancing demand-side management technologies and strategies;

· A description of the proposed intervention(s) and its/their intended results, and specify which barriers each intervention is intended to address;

· A coherent program, or "market," logic model that ensures a solid causal relationship between the proposed intervention(s) and its/their intended results; and

· Appropriate evaluation plans and corresponding Market Transformation Indicators and PPMs based on the program logic model. (The IOUs should be prepared to start tracking proposed Market Transformation Indicators immediately in order to establish a baseline, and in cases where the logic model calls for metrics to be differentiated in terms of the sequence and timeframe in which they are expected to be relevant - i.e., leading vs. intermediate vs. lagging indicators of change - each metric should be identified as such).

503 Resolution E-4385 directs Staff to recommend adoption of MTIs for 2010-2012 to the Assigned Commissioner, who would then issue a Ruling containing the final MTIs. See Resolution E-4385, Ordering Paragraph 4.

504 This information may also support Cost Effectiveness Track 2 methodologies which are considering incorporating market effects into the cost effectiveness calculators. These methodologies are currently being developed by Commission Staff for consideration by the Commission in the upcoming year.

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