Each respondent must, upon its new tariff/standard contract becoming effective, notify its water, wastewater and, to the extent reasonable, other potentially interested or affected customers of the availability of this new opportunity. In addition, each respondent must include information regarding this tariff/standard contract on its web page.
Among other things, the information on a respondent's web page should make it easy for a prospective customer to see an overview of the terms and conditions of the tariff/standard contract, applicable rates, and amount of unsubscribed allocated capacity. Respondents must keep these items up-to-date (e.g., rates, unsubscribed allocated capacity) so prospective customers have a reasonable opportunity of knowing current conditions and available options.
Respondents should provide the Public Advisor and the Energy Division Director an opportunity to comment on the specifics of the notice and the web page. Respondents must modify the notice and web page to the extent directed by the Public Advisor and/or Energy Division Director.