6. Avista and New West Energy

Avista Utilities is named as a respondent in the classification of small and multi-jurisdictional utilities. On April 4, 2007, Avista Corporation (Avista) moved to be dismissed as a respondent. No responses were filed. Avista's motion is a final determination of the proceeding relative to Avista. It must be addressed by the Commission, not the Administrative Law Judge. (Rule 9.1 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (Rules)). Avista states it has never provided electric service in California, and sold its natural gas distribution properties to Southwest Gas Corporation in 2005. This transfer was approved by the Commission on April 28, 2005. (D.05-03-010.) Avista's motion is granted.

New West Energy (NWE) is named as a respondent in the category of registered electric service provider (ESP). It has come to our attention that this is an error. NWE cancelled its registration as an ESP on February 16, 2006. NWE shall be dismissed as a respondent.

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