The initial PHC in this matter was held on October 11, 2002. WEC timely filed its NOI on November 7, 2002. In its NOI, WEC addressed its anticipated scope of participation, estimated cost of participation, customer status and significant financial hardship. WEC timely filed its request for compensation on January 28, 2005, within 60 days of D.04-12-016. WEC's request for compensation includes a description of its substantial contribution to the decision, as well as a detailed description of services and expenditures.
Pursuant to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) ruling dated May 14, 2003, WEC was found to be a customer pursuant to Section 1802(b), has met the requirement for financial hardship pursuant to Section 1804(a)(2)(B), and was found to be eligible for intervenor compensation in this proceeding.